That would open a huge can of worms and it simply isn't going to happen. Not in America, anyway. This would require that any door-to-door preachers would have to undergo background checks. That includes not just the Jdubs, Hare Krishnas, Moonies, and other small scale religions, but also some huge ones like Mormons and (some) Baptists. The Baptists and Mormons have too much political clout and too many reasons for not liking the idea. It's a dead bird, won't fly.
JoinedPosts by gitasatsangha
"Volunteer Ministers" - Background checks?
by Uzzah ini am very active as a volunteer with an international relief organziation.
a few weeks back i attended a volunteer management seminar hosted by this group.. even in times of disaster, any and all volunteers have to go through a screening process, including 2 interviews plus a police background check.
this is not a 'suggestion' but it was inferred that canadian law requires this to be done for any volunteer based organization when the volunteers would have direct access to the public or be put in a position of trust.. bethel proudly declares their force of volunteer ministers at the branch as well as calling publishers by the same name.
French avert American-supplied sword-weilding attack on plane !!
by Simon in.
This constitutes France's first decisive military victory since the early Napoleanic Wars.
Mozilla Firefox Browser version 0.9
by Yizuman inhas anyone tried this browser yet? .
i love it and the only thing this browser doesn't see on this forum when posting is using the smilies when creating or replying a topic, only msie can see it.
If it was the dominant OS would it still be as secure? How much of the security is because it isn't much of a target?
I'd be willing to bet that it has less to do with the target factor (and there are some Novell servers in places a lot of people would like to get to, and not just to prove they could do it), then the fact that Security was Novell's number one concern when Netware 4, 5 and 6 were written. NT and its successors were developed for east-of-use, I suppose. Security was the underlying concern behind NDS. NDS has been around a lot longer then Microsoft's Active Directory, and subsequently there has been a long time for people to find a lot of flaws. It's had some flaws, but not many. I can go to sleep at night, not worrying about an attack on my NW servers, or some bizarre error popping up in the middle of the night as a database is being backed up, but I do have worries over my 2000 servers.
One of my 2000 servers (an FTP server) recently had a virus attack, some varient of the Sasser worm that got out before there was a patch available to prevent it, and before MCafee had an update to answer for it. That particular virus simply could not have infected the Netware box because of the way the modules are loaded. That server wasn't particularly critical, but if it had been, I would have been hosed.
People tell me there are a lot more NT/2000/XP servers out there then Netware boxes, but it takes fewer Netware boxes to do the same chore. I am biased, but that is my opinion.
Ramble Here, Just off Load Thoughts, Talk Bollocks:
by Celtic insometimes it be good to write just completely unjudgementally.
feel free to do this here, on this thread, talk bollocks, talk bullshit, take nothing seriously, have fun with what and who you are, frollick with words and make them dance if need be.. any commonsense thread is immediately disallowed.
simply write fun and let words tumble forth, cascade upon your typing fingers.. this is your space and no one will judge you at all for what you write.. if someone is dumb enough to ask anything not pertaining to enjoyable daftness, celtic will rampantly inspire in his mind, complete junkish compliments to ranckle your mind, until you write absurdity.. there be fun out there, who first?
Double Solitaire
Lovingly The Albatross sodomizes Edmond Hoyle
Cawing lonely cries of melody, vapid prick
Takes him in his tepid talons to Cape wrapped in foil
Becoming divine is easy, or sleasy, take your pick
The ocean shudders for a moment, and then begins to boil
Cut the cards, and cut them into the quick.
Fingernails, hacksaw, adze, motor oil
dull-eyed brunette girly mag chick.
Cape Horn Memorial
I am the Albatross that awaits you at the end of the world
I am the forgotten soul of the sailors lost
rounding Cape Horn from all the oceans of the world
But they did not die in the fierce waves
for today towards eternity, on my wings they soar
in the last crevice of the Antarcic winds.
-Sara Vial
Monty Python's Flying Circus Episode Thirteen
Man Albatross! Albatross! Albatross!
A cutomer approaches him.
Person Two choc-ices please.
Man I haven't got choc-ices. I only got the albatross. Albatross!
Person What flavour is it?
Man It's a bird, innit? It's a bloody sea bird . .. it's not any bloody flavour. Albatross!
Person Do you get wafers with it?
Man Course you don't get bloody wafers with it. Albatross!
Person How much is it?
Man Ninepence.
Person I'll have two please.
Man Gannet on a stick.
Contributions? Wait On Jehovah!
by metatron inclearly, there is every earmark of financial worries within the watchtower society.. even governing body members have expressed concern about falling contribution levels.
within congregations.
yet, for the faithful, the answer is simple: wait on jehovah.. .
They have NEVER had enough money to do all the things they would like to do.
Yes they could only build one hotel at Patterson, not two. Oh the poor people! "Wait on Jehovah" is not just in the literature. It was/is used from the platform at almost every meeting, and it is the council given out when someone is worred about the fact that they've never gotten and education, have a job with no healthcare, a grave illness and are hoping maybe that the Society is right about that "Millions Now Living" thingy. Quit being a Watchtower Stooge.
Easy targets, who are they?
by JH inwho would you say would be the "easier targets", when jw's knock at their door?
do you think that there are any particular people who would be more vulnerable to fall into the jw trap?
Anyone who is very sad and is vulnerable to someone with "the answer".
If The Population Increases Does It Mean There Would Be Less Demon Control?
by minimus insince the demons can't multiply and produce baby demons, my theory is that if the earth's population increases, then there is less likelyhood that the demons and a singular devil will get to us.....whaddya think?
That just means more animals are being reborn as humans as preexisting humans destroy their environment.. Anyway, if there were demons it stands to reason they would rather infest humans then pigs.
You're running out of good questions, I take it.
Mozilla Firefox Browser version 0.9
by Yizuman inhas anyone tried this browser yet? .
i love it and the only thing this browser doesn't see on this forum when posting is using the smilies when creating or replying a topic, only msie can see it.
I see your point, but on the other hand, sometimes a product is just inherently more stable and secure then another. That's where Microsoft continually falls on its face. OpenVMS is a much more stable OS then say.. well anything else ever written. Novell Netware is still way more secure then any server platform Microsoft has put out. A cheap FTP daemon on Linix is more robost ans secure then Microsoft IIS. And the vulnerabilities that IE has, simply are either nonexistant, or else are not being exploited to the same degree that they would be on IE. Virus writers hate Microsoft with a passion, because a lot of them have a background in opensource.
But all that is just peanuts compared to the coming problem. Microsoft has stated they aren't going to offer full version upgrades (in other words, IE 7 for Windows ME), to preexisting operating systems. In one way that's good, because people simply aren't as ready to give up old OS's as they once were, and it will keep Microsoft from adding a much more nonstandard extensions that other people will have to upgrade to be able to handle, but with 95% of the market, they still have a lot of pull. Thank God, or whoever is up there, for Macs and Linux.
Gita of the "Loves and Takes Care of all his little Novell Servers Across Mid-America" Class
Theocratic Ministry School in the resumé?
by observador ini was doing a quick search on something else when i came across this resume of a fella who seemed to have been a bethelite.
down on his resume under "education", he includes the theocratic ministry school as part of his education.
this is not the first time i hear someone doing this.
Do you think that the Ministry School helped you in any way?
Putting a six year old kid in front of one hundred people to read and give a brief explanation of an obscure section of Zecharia.
well it got me over stage fright, anyway.
Jesus long hair vs short hair
by Nosferatu inthis is something that i had been wondering about.
in many worldly religions, pictures of jesus showed him with long hair.
in the wt publications, jesus is showed with short hair.. where did the whole long hair thing come from?
Paradise Lost/Regained Jesus had no beard, even . He looked like he just stepped off the set of Happy Days and put on a robe. The current JW Jesus still has access to a fine line of personal grooming products.