In Jehovah's loving organization, you need never worry of being attacked by transgendered rollerblading circus clowns with heads topped by endless flames of burning phosphorus.
People in the world take note.
follow this link, folks, to a naive and feeble cartoon about how in a big bad world, jws are refreshingly honest, pure, holy, righteous, blah blah blah.......
In Jehovah's loving organization, you need never worry of being attacked by transgendered rollerblading circus clowns with heads topped by endless flames of burning phosphorus.
People in the world take note.
i'm horrified.
could this really be true?
am i that naive to think the us military wouldn't really allow this.. .
Thank goodness he's still around then. Mischief: You don't have to vote Nadar to punish Bush. If you believe in limited government, and free enterprise, consider Badnarik, the libertarian canddiate for president.
here it is folks, one solution to our gas crunch.
i support this kind of thing.
look up veggie car on the web, this is for real.. ?veggie car?.
I was at this aquarium and wildlife museum place one time, where they had a plant from the Amazon, well a tree really, that had a sap which could be burned in diesel engines without even refining it. There's supposed to be a plant like that in the Phillipines too. Vegetable oil, diesel plants, bring em all on. We could grow our fuel and let the Arabs go back to being the poor uncivilzed savages they've always dreamed of.
almost unbelievably after 4 years of staying away from the hall and the jws last week they called and said there were allegations of apostasy against us.
we have been very quiet about our feelings and so were very surprised and angered.
we were told that they were going to discuss the allegation and determine if we would be formally accused of apostasy.
Click my profile/bio I have been making them pay for 12 years.
How much have they paid you.
i'm horrified.
could this really be true?
am i that naive to think the us military wouldn't really allow this.. .
<bitter sarcasm>Thank God American soldiers continue to make Iraq a safer place for Iraqis. </bitter sarcasm>
I am also a practising Buddhist (of a sangha affilated with Community of Mindful Living), and the temple I usually go to is called Tu Vien Quan Am, I think that is the name of Kwan Yin in Vietnamese. The temple and monestary are primarilly used by Vietnamese Mahayana buddhists, but there are two English speaking sanghas that use the temple also.
I may be wrong about that, because there was also a Vietnamese nun named Quan Am who I think some believe was a Boddhisatva. I am not sure. Anway, small world.
also used were the daniel book, the question box from the kingdom ministry from 1972 till now, subjects from the insight volumes and a lot of watchtower articles.
i could hardly believe they would have nerve to bring out the revelation climax book.
but as i thought about it more i wondered if they (gb), in their delusional state, somehow think it supports their claim to power.
and then finallyre chap. 33 p. 240 Judging the Infamous Harlot ******
Harlot Rides a Beast
It should be, or maybe one of those pay sites in denmark.
Scenes from Disney's Beauty And the Beast II: The Last Tango In Neverland
"Get the butter, Belle"
(I am going to hell for this, I suspect)
ok, i'm not one for conspiracy theories but lately i've uncovered some interesting facts that i think warrant some attention.. first of all, russell was a freemason.
all the early watchtower and books he authored have freemason symbology and art throughout them.
not a big deal i thought, until i read more about freemasons and the so-called "illuminati", a group of 13 families that supposedly control the world.. supposedly these 13 families, such as the duponts, mcdonalds, kennedys, .
I did not know at what date that the CoMasons came to America, but I did know that if you join them you can't become a Free and Accepted Mason of any of the regular lodges. I had asked that at one poitn when I was interested in becoming a Mason, and had to see if BOTA membership was a problem as well (it isn't). Thanks for clarification on the date, and Rite of Memphis.
ever read the wt and awake articles and get tired of seeing words and prases like "the society's counsel on..."
"please follow along with me in your"
also used were the daniel book, the question box from the kingdom ministry from 1972 till now, subjects from the insight volumes and a lot of watchtower articles.
i could hardly believe they would have nerve to bring out the revelation climax book.
but as i thought about it more i wondered if they (gb), in their delusional state, somehow think it supports their claim to power.
It also pushes people away, potentially faster then they can replace them.