thanks for defending me, mystery. oh, this has already happened to me before, i seem to bring up subjects that have already been covered in the past. well i have been here only a month.
dear prof. carmel -- no i'm not doing a book and i will do nothing in particular with the information. i am simply curious. in the short time i have been here i have just been so impressed with the intelligence and in depth thought of some of the posters, my curiosity got the better of me. it also seems that people like to answer these questions about themselves - i know i enjoy it when someone shows an interest in me.
unfortunately i did not go to college. sometimes it is intimidating for one like me who has not had formal education to interact with those who have. it is hard not to feel inferior and at somewhat of a disadvantage.
i grew up a child of 2 jw parents who both had come through the depression - not poverty stricken, but by no means well off. my father was sexist - told me that girls didn't need an education, that i would get married and have babies and that was that. my religion told me that higher education would corrupt my mind and pull me away from god and lead to my destruction, and that was that.
so i did marry very young and we pioneered, living on very little money. when i finally found the will to leave my husband and jws it was all i could do to support myself - i had no savings and no support from any other source but myself. keeping my life together was my full-time occupation.
when i miraculously found the will and the means l2 years later to attend a trade school i had no support from anywhere. well anyway, i don't want a pity party.....many posters here have endured much more than i have. suffice it to say that it is a large regret that i did not go to college.
in the last few days some other posters on the forum have implied that some of my comments have been idiotic and moronic. as i write this im tearing up - i suppose this question sprang from my own feelings of inferiority. does that give you your answer?