i am attending a small presbyterian evangelical church. it was non-denominational, but chose to affiliate with presbyterian a few years ago, mostly as i understand it to give the pastor some peer support and accountability.
the only church i set foot in between leaving jws in l976 and beginning a search for a church with which i could feel comfortable about a year ago, was catholic when i began dating my current husband - he is from a large tribe of irish-catholics - very devout mother in particular. yes, to a degree i was reticent about it, but found that it was quite different from jws - no love-bombing. i found the readings to be without emotion, the services generally to be hollow, no substance.
last year i became acutely conscious of my spiritual needs and strongly wished for some comaraderie and fellowship with fellow believers. i went to:
l) lutheran - same hollow impressions as catholic, 2) quaker - liked the silent meditation, but found them to be highly political and activist, a bit out of my element, 3) methodist - no follow-through, i asked about their advertised bible study and was told it was a closed group - oh well... 4) catholic - again, because of my husband thought i'd give it another try in a different area - same conclusion, 5) spiritualist - like attending a john edward television show of psychic readings - really strange 6) episcopal - like the catholics 7) salvation army - nice captain & wife, but struggling to hold the group of inner city kids and women together - it was great but i needed to be fed more substantial food at that point. last may found the church i attend - they do not meet in a "church" but a women's club, maybe 75 people, friendly, enthusiastic, serious about their beliefs, devoted to bible study, and it was that that kept me there.
since it is a small group it is easy to get to know pretty much everyone, and since small groups meet voluntarily throughout the week it is quite intimate. yes, i can say i feel genuine caring, concern and love, without legalism, without judgement.
but i will never feel that same blind loyalty to a church that i did to jws. as long as it meets my spiritual needs i will be there, the second it doesn't im gone.