So glad to see your post tonight. I would love to email you off the chat. You have my email address.
Prayer is really powerful. I used to wonder why we were required to pray. Afterall, God is in Power and can do what he wants to do. He already knows what is in our hearts and minds.
A girlfriend of mine explained it this way.(I think it makes good sense). God allows humans to make their own decisions. Oftentimes, our decisions bring bad things upon us. He grieves for us in our misery but still his promise to let us do as we wish.
Only IF we ask, will he get involved. Prayer is our way of Asking Jehovah to get involved. I have already prayed for you numerous times today. Actually, every time I pray for my oldest son, I include you. I have faith he will bring you through this mess. It may not be easy. Try not to lean on your own understanding. Try to talk to him yourself.
This really isn't the forum to talk because we're getting off the topic being discussed. Anytime you want to talk via email, get in contact with me. I can possibly give you some advice, especially as it pertains to your little ones. I got through everything but it wasn't easy.
With Unconditional love,