Hi MC- I'am about half way through the book too and feel the same as you about reverse witnessing! I haven't figured out yet if I will read his second books next or Combatting Cult Mind Control. I've been on an emotional roller coaster reading this one while still attending the meetings. I think I may need read CCMD next. Have you considered which, if any you plan to read next?
JoinedPosts by KiddingMe
CoC - Almost half way...
by MissConfused inthanks to all who suggested me this book.
almost half way through the reading.
it sheds light to the darkest secrets of this cult.
by ÁrbolesdeArabia inaguest, jehovah-jirah, lars58, rick fearon, finkle, or another scholars on jwn.
what reason does the governing body have for telling.
seven million jehovah's witnesses, "jesus is not your man dude!
Reinstatement Hearing Secretly Recorded and on JWStruggle
by RayPublisher inokay people i have a new video that some of you may be interested in- i believe it is the only one of its kind online.
three elders meet with a young female that knows ttatt and is trying to get back into the jws for family reasons.
the audio also includes the three elders disagreeing and deliberating after she is dismissed from the room and then when they call her back in.
The Confessed Pedophile Who Raped Me Is Going To Be Made A Elder Again, Need Help Please!
by Bubblegum Apotheosis inyears ago you read my horror stories about being raped by a jw.
i was nine years old when this took place, now the man has been getting all his works in order.
what do i do to stop the seventy-year old pedophile from getting his position back?
Free today - the book I wish I'd found when I was getting out of JWs.
by AngusOg init's called quitting jehovah's witnesses & other cults: how to do it & why you should, and i hope you'll check it out.
i wrote it because other books seemed to focus on personal experiences (boring, irrelevant) or doctrinal discussion of why i should convert to some other religion (boring, irrelevant and insulting).
anyway, it's an ebook, it's free, and it's out today..
Marked, Thx!
Huge List of Recorded Talks By COs,DO, Governing Body, etc
by frankiespeakin ini'm thinking this site will be shuting down due to gb policy so grab them while you can.. http://www.centralprint.net/jwtalks/covisits/docovisits.html.
william c baxterhate what jehovah hates
Elder's attitude to dating a non-believer vs acting like a Christian
by ItsMyLife ini've not been on here for quite some time, due to personal reasons.. i have been dating a wonderful man for nearly 11 months now.
he's a non-practicing cofe christian.
i am a recently inactive jw (oh, how i regret getting baptized at 15).. my dad is an elder.
I agree, it is all about control and doesn't make any sense. I see so many similarities in your story. My husband got DF'd for dating me and having a child. I was the unbeliever. We did not marry nor was he was not reinstated until over a year after our child was born. During that year his parents delt mostly with me on a daily basis because they babysat our baby and my other child from a previous relationship. We got along well. His mother would even come over to our place and visit me and the children (their DF'D son, my boyfriend at the time, would stay in the bedroom). It wasn't until I was close to getting baptized that it dawn on me that her visits were also a source to get field service time as she was a regular pioneer. That may not heve been her only intention and probably an excuse to give her husband for visiting and/or it could have been a way for her to check up a little on her son, who knows?-It's warped thinking but allowed her to justify feeding into her human side. My point is, if its enough wiggle room for a JW to use and not bring reproach on Jehovah they may use it. Most parents want their children happy and want to support.
As far as them attending your wedding, I can understand how hard that is. That's another crazy thing, my inlaws attended their bible study's ceremony at the justice of the peace but couldn't attend ours at the justice of the peace, of course he was disfellowshipped but even if he wasn't they couldn't because I was an unbeliever.
This brings me to another point, your other difficult situation, I assume your son is from a believer. That's sort of where I am with my children, trying figure out how to keep them from getting baptized. My husband currently is not aware of my doubts, and there is some pressure for them to get baptized. I'm stilling researching and trying to figure out my own feelings before I can address this but It will not be long before I need to take a stand for their sake. I imagine you will eventually have to do the same. Aside from all the other issues bought on growing up as a witness, If he gets baptized and you are no longer in you will run into the same issues you are going through now if he ever decides to get married, will you be able to attend the wedding? I can understand to a degree what you are going through.
Elder's attitude to dating a non-believer vs acting like a Christian
by ItsMyLife ini've not been on here for quite some time, due to personal reasons.. i have been dating a wonderful man for nearly 11 months now.
he's a non-practicing cofe christian.
i am a recently inactive jw (oh, how i regret getting baptized at 15).. my dad is an elder.
A sister was "marked" in our congregation several years ago after marrying an unbeliever, a Muslim (if it matters, I really don't think it would have made a difference what, if any religion he was). Her brother who is an elder gave the marking talk. The whole thing didn't make since to me because she obviously hadn't fornicated (or they had no proof) because she was not DF'd but they felt the need to mark her. The Organize book says, "The loving concern and firm stand of faithful members of the congregation could indeed move the disorderly one to shame and repentance. When it is clearly evident that the individual has abandoned his disorderly course, it would no longer be necessary to treat him as a marked individual." I remember thinking, how could she abandon her disorderly course or show repentance, get a divorce? Their actions seemed contrary to the "Organize" book's explanation for marking since she had no course to correct. I drew the conclusion that, the marking was only to shame her (there was no course to correct) but more importantly a formality to let everyone else know that what she did was not condoned and to keep others from doing the same.
From what I could tell nothing really changed as far as how she was treated nor did I recognize when or if she ever officially became "unmarked". I could be a little confused on the "unmarked" part, maybe they don't do this. Currently, she is an active member and seem very happy. She has a good relationship with her witness relatives. Her children from the "unevely yoked" marriage attend the meetings with her and have a close bond with their cousins (the children of the elder brother that gave the talk). I've never seen or met the husband.
Do you think your dad is saying he cant support your relationship because you are not married and as a formality he cant condone your relationship with a nonbeliever but would be different if you ever got married? Witnesses have dinner all the time with other witnesses and their unbelieving mates. Maybe he can't outwardly support the relationship now but wouldn't he have to eventually come around if you were to marry? If you married and had marital problems and you went to him or any other elders aren't they suppose to support and encourage you to stay with your unbelieving mate?
YAY!!! My first time being shunned and it was humorous to say the least
by confusedandalone ina good friend of mine invited me to a party after her meeting on sunday.
i told her i was not going any longer and she doesn't care.
she also let us know that no other witnesses would be there.
I agree with Perversion of the Truth in regard to "I remember a few times when I was younger finding out a close friend was to be DF'ed and going and hanging out with them or to the movies before the announcement was made, because until that happens it's still fair game". When I heard the rumors about a dear sister, I hadn't been as close as I use to, I made it a point to reach out to her before the announcement and made it clear that while we hadn't spoken as much lately, that I cared for her and was there if she needed anything. I didn't want her to think I was fishing for info so I left it at that.
SCAN NEEDED - The Watchtower 1927
by Nebeska Nada inseptember 1, 1927, page 260.. .
can somebody scan it, please?.