@Splash - no horseshoes or four leaf clovers on the front.
couldn't eat lucky charm cereal either
"one of the bible study was listening and singing the song by jason mraz titled lucky with the chorus going like this;.
'i'm lucky i'm in love with my best friend.. lucky to have been where i have been.. lucky to be coming home again.. lucky we're in love in every way.. lucky to have stayed where we have stayed.. lucky to be coming home someday..'.
@Splash - no horseshoes or four leaf clovers on the front.
couldn't eat lucky charm cereal either
80+ branch davidian cult members died in waco, texas.
250,000+ #jehovahswitnesses have died refusing blood.
stop this #cult!
"one of the bible study was listening and singing the song by jason mraz titled lucky with the chorus going like this;.
'i'm lucky i'm in love with my best friend.. lucky to have been where i have been.. lucky to be coming home again.. lucky we're in love in every way.. lucky to have stayed where we have stayed.. lucky to be coming home someday..'.
Can't pick up a greeting card that has the word "wish" or "wishes" i.e. "Best wishes".
i have a ton of secret watchtower info stored on my tablet.
is there any way with my tablet locked with a password, can someone do a factory reset on it so i lose all my pdf files?
the boe at hubbys hall are aware i am in possession of secret crap from the watchtower.
"it is appreciated that these documents do not reflect the current understanding of the bible enjoyed by jehovah's witnesses, and for up-to-date information the reader is encouraged to visit the official site of the watchtower bible and tract society.".
after more than two years here on jwn, i will unmask myself and finally close the closet door behind me, fully coming out.. let me be pithy.. my name is vincent deporter.
i'm a writer/artist published a little all over the place.
i started my career in france, about 35 years ago.
Thanks for sharing Vince! I'm so glad for you. Being able to finally take off the mask must be really exhilarating for you at this point in your life. Your story is inspiring and motivating.
I can identify with your experience coming to JWN. It has been a lifesaver. The people here are nothing like I expected from an "apostate site." Just normal people, no hidden agendas.
Googled some of your work...EXCELLENT! So glad to hear/see your success!
when you're part of a lovely big group of people who all seem to be happy in their beliefs, it's easier to quell your own doubts.
if i was the only person left in the congregation who still went on the door to door work, because every body else had stopped going , having said out loud what most think, ''it's a waste of time'', how long do you think before i too would cease going door to door?.
i know from my own perspective that having lots of fellow witnesses around me, steered me into making life changing decisions.
I remember when I first came in the "truth" I was told about all the apostasy and cleaning out of Bethel. That was a warning sign. I was so ignorant to think, how good this was of the Jehovah (through his org) to keep his congregation clean from the top to the bottom.
For those that put their complete trust in the org, all it would take is for some form of the org addressing by way of literature, from platform etc. to close up any doubts that stemmed from abrupt departures.
On any of the levels Blondie mentioned above, entire families, congregations, etc. the WTS would have a way to spin it to blame the "faders".
Our last C.O. Visit, he talked about the various reasons many are no longer here, some of the them were things like, they gave in to fear; failed & got themselves involved in wrong doing; some fall because they had personal weaknesses, but made the choice to back off or refused to get help.
this was a famous case here in the uk, based around the experiences of matt barrie (aka hobo ken).
we've uploaded the audio recording of his judicial committee meeting with the glasgow bishopbriggs congregation elders and you can listen/download the (long) unedited file here:.
from roguepixel100 on youtube.
when i first heard about the new "generation" explanation i was confused because i didn't see clearly how they were explaining it.. now it looks like they finally figured it out for themselves and it is no longer confusing.. it is now a simple, ignorant, bold face lie.. this is from the january 1st watchtower.
(and i hope to hell someone from writing gets wind of this).
paragraph 15 page 31 blue stands for the exact words in the watchtower.