Consider that in 2007 there were 31,200 publishers serving in 491 foreign-language con- gregations in our branch territory. By 2012, this had increased to 46,400 publishers associating with 841 foreign-language congregations. There were also seven foreign-language circuits formed during the 2013 service year: three in American Sign Language, two in Haitian Creole, one in Portuguese, and one in Vietnamese. And in the 2014 service year, foreign-language cir- cuits were formed in Arabic, Chinese, Russian, and Tagalog.
What I don't get is, since there has been such an increase in publishers in foreign fields, why is there a need to invite other publishers to come "serve where the need is greater"?
Wouldn't it make more sense to send publishers to territories that are lacking publishers? If it's the ratio of publishers to congregations that's off, why keep adding congregations if there are not enough publishers?
Maybe more publishers can be used in territories where the branches are being closed?
Am I missing something here? I admit I have no knowledge of how these things are computed.