who is going to help them out down the road when they need it?
Down the road??? Why would they need help down the road when the end is sooooooooo close?
per the june km, if you just got out of school and are young and decide to get a great paying job, you should feel guilty.
and if after you finally can relax a little and enjoy retirement in the last few years of your life, you are expected to pioneer as soon as possible.
the articles were designed to produce major guilt in any that might want to do otherwise.
who is going to help them out down the road when they need it?
Down the road??? Why would they need help down the road when the end is sooooooooo close?
per the june km, if you just got out of school and are young and decide to get a great paying job, you should feel guilty.
and if after you finally can relax a little and enjoy retirement in the last few years of your life, you are expected to pioneer as soon as possible.
the articles were designed to produce major guilt in any that might want to do otherwise.
Can you scan the article? I'd love to read it.
boy 'pregnant' with his .
own twin brother.
by barbara davies.
Does anyone else watch Southpark and was thinking about "Conjoined twin Myslexia" when they read this??
when i got home from work last night my son was there and i was suprise to see him because it was meeting night and everyone else was gone.
then his mother comes in hmmmmmm "did your son tell you what he has done?
" nope well he has been having sex with his girlfriend the baptized pioneer elders daughter yikes my son (not baptized) and her were girlfriend and boyfriend untill her daddy stop them from seeing each other.
My JW step-daughter got married when she was 17 and horny. Her Mom signed the authorization because she felt it was soooooo important for her daughter to be a good little JW virgin when she got married. Now she is 21 and miserable. She even confided to me (her wicked worldly stepmother) that she wishes her husband would cheat on her so she could get out of it. So sad. She was also a straight-A student, but of course she didn't continue her education. She now regrets that, too. But in spite of it all, she is still a Zealous Witness For Jehovah.
one of my witness family members agreed to take a look at crisis of conscience, and after.
perusing the first couple of chapters, said that she thought it could be all made up.
agreed that the documents presented could be legitimate, but as far as franz's personal.
What DID happen to Leo Greenlees?????
mornin' all!.
k...i've got a nosy question here.
for those of you out there who were never jw's, what brings you here?
I'm a "never-has-been" also, Thank God! Unfortunately for me, my husband is a Witness and, quite frankly, the organization is ruining my marriage. I get so much support on this board. You can't really discuss these issues with most people because the average person doesn't know anything about JW's, what they believe, the cult mentality, etc.
i took the quiz and i got:.
you come from an ancient civilization.
i was raised non-religious.
i don't call myself an atheist as such because i don't like to label anyone, but i don't actually believe in god (though i am christian in background, and several branches of family family are roman catholic).
my fiance knows this.
if anything tell him you will marry him only if he leaves the jws!!
This sounds like reasonable advice, but let me tell you from experience . . . JW's don't mind lying to you if they feel it is in their "spiritual" best interest (theocratic warfare strategy). My husband promised not to go back, but did so anyway AFTER we were married. His excuse is just that his promise to Jehovah takes precedence over any other promises he has made to anyone - namely me.
Sorry to be the bearer of such bad news. PM me if you want to talk. And keep posting here - these people are the greatest!
i was raised non-religious.
i don't call myself an atheist as such because i don't like to label anyone, but i don't actually believe in god (though i am christian in background, and several branches of family family are roman catholic).
my fiance knows this.
Juliana, I have never been a JW either, but I am married to one. Send me a private message so we can talk. There are many, many things you need to know.
i am tired of the double standard that dubs have.
my parents have very little to do with me since i have been df'd.
but they still want my kids to visit.
This kind of thing always bothered me. My husband's mother had no problem shunning him when he was disfellowshipped, but his slutty JW sister practically lives with a guy and the mother abides by the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. The only thing she ever says about her daughter is "If the brothers find out that she is conducting herself loosely, that would cause so many problems..." I get the feeling (in my worldly perspective) that they are far more concerned with their relationship with the elders than their relationship with Jehovah. It's almost like they think that if you can hide it from the congregation, Jehovah doesn't know about it. Stupid, stupid people.