elders are not cloned and that even on the same body the right hand of one does not know what the left hand of the other is doing.
Blondie, knowing these guys, that is probably a good thing!
my jw husband came home from his meeting yesterday a little later than usual, and when i asked him where he had been, he said he had to meet with the elders after the meeting.
well, it seems that even though he is reinstated, he has to ask for each of his"privileges" back one at a time.
nothing like prolonging the agony!!
elders are not cloned and that even on the same body the right hand of one does not know what the left hand of the other is doing.
Blondie, knowing these guys, that is probably a good thing!
my jw husband came home from his meeting yesterday a little later than usual, and when i asked him where he had been, he said he had to meet with the elders after the meeting.
well, it seems that even though he is reinstated, he has to ask for each of his"privileges" back one at a time.
nothing like prolonging the agony!!
The more love you can show him, even if you have to hold your cookies down, and bite your tounge.... the more your chances of getting to him.
I know, I know. Thanks for reiterating, though - honestly. I am really Type A and I have such a hard time holding my tongue - much less my cookies . I really think it is too late for me to try the lovey-dovey approach, though. I have made my opinion of the organization abundantly clear, unfortunately, so everything I say is suspect. If I could do it all over again, I would try to be calmer about the whole situation.
But as things are now, I just CAN'T and WON'T go down without a fight. This is my marriage, and I will be damned if I will let some self-righteous old geezers ruin it without a hell of a battle. I may lose, but they will never forget me.
a friend and i were chatting tonight and he got on the subject of jw movie themes.
what if wts took over the film industry, what kind of movies would we see (using previous movie titles.
) it was entertaining and i knew you guys could come up with some good ones.. ted jarez and the chamber of secrets.
Honey, We Shrunk Our Brains!
Thank Jehovah It's Friday
Out In Service Alone 3: Lost in New York
Don't Analyze This
Don't Analyze That
my jw husband came home from his meeting yesterday a little later than usual, and when i asked him where he had been, he said he had to meet with the elders after the meeting.
well, it seems that even though he is reinstated, he has to ask for each of his"privileges" back one at a time.
nothing like prolonging the agony!!
Just how long does his fits of giving you the silent treatment last?
Not long. I'm not sure if the silence is because he is pissed, or if he knows I'm right so he just doesn't have anything to say. One thing I've noticed is that if I bring up a subject that he doesn't know the "official" answer to, he stops talking. He's like a pre-programmed robot.
sometimes i think life was so much easier under the feudel system..... .
well, i'm still deciding on a career.
have i made much progress since my thread about teaching a few months ago?
Bradley, I have multiple degrees, but they are related (Business Administration and Finance.) I think the Finance degree helped me more because it is more "concentrated" and in today's economy, a generalized degree such as Business Administration doesn't seem to help as much.
Something you may want to consider is that once you have an Associate Degree in nursing, you can get your license. Then if you're interested in pursuing a Bachelor's, most hospitals will work out a deal with you to pay for (or at least subsidize) the final two years of your education while you are working for them as long as you agree to continue to work for them for a specified period of time after you complete your degree (usually one or two years.)
my jw husband came home from his meeting yesterday a little later than usual, and when i asked him where he had been, he said he had to meet with the elders after the meeting.
well, it seems that even though he is reinstated, he has to ask for each of his"privileges" back one at a time.
nothing like prolonging the agony!!
My JW husband came home from his meeting yesterday a little later than usual, and when I asked him where he had been, he said he had to meet with the elders after the meeting. Why? Well, it seems that even though he is reinstated, he has to ask for each of his"privileges" back one at a time. Nothing like prolonging the agony!!
So to make a long story short, he had to talk to them to see if he would be allowed to comment at meetings in the future. I went ballistic. I said, "This is pathetic! You're tell me that MY HUSBAND, the person I am SUPPOSED to be able to count on to make decisions for this family, just met with three old men and asked their PERMISSION to RAISE HIS HAND and READ THE ANSWER THAT IS ALREADY WRITTEN in the literature????? What kind of respect am I supposed to have for this?? It's like a big game of "Mother-May-I?" He even made a comment about being head of the household, and I stopped him right there. I said, "Whoa, buddy, you are NOT the head of this household, I don't care what those blithering idiot elders with a cumulative IQ of 90 tell you!!!!! So just forget about that crap!"
These so-called elders are getting off on this because they are practically illiterate and this is the only place in their lives they can garner ANY RESPECT whatsoever!!! UGH!!!!!"
Needless to say he is not speaking to me now. I'M SO F***ING MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Sorry - I just had to vent.)
mine is......(and this from a woman who will probably not notice the big a when it happens) .
i can find four leaf clovers anywhere, anytime...i never even really look.
just walking down the street, i'll look at the lawn and see one.
used to be able to bend my fingers on my left hand all the way back so that they would touch the back of my hand. I can't quite do it anymore, but I can get pretty close.
Hey, I can do that, too!!!!! In fact, I can bend both of my pinkie fingers back so they lay flat against the top of my hand - seriously! It really freaks people out!!! Glad to know I'm not the only weirdo in the world . . .
how many horror stories have we all heard about brothers at the hall who decide to go in to business together, only to have it end up in disaster?
my brother-in-law, bill did this with a reeeeeal good christian brother i'll call max, a couple of years ago.
my brother-in-law works in construction, and does the actual work.
As far as the "don't sue a brother" thing is concerned, what about child support issues? If a divorced couple are both active JW's, can one sue another for child support, alimony, etc? Just wondering what the "rule" is, because I know of a case of this happening.
i just heard on the radio that actor/dancer buddy ebsen passed away at the age of 95. what a long career he had, i remember him dancing with shirley temple in some of her early movies.
he was the original actor for the role of the tin woodsman in "the wizard of oz" - but was allergic to the make up and replaced.
but most of us remember him as jed clampett on "the beverly hillbillies.
All the Hollywood greats dying off pretty quickly it seems...
I was thinking the same thing when I heard about ol' Buddy on the news this morning. Too bad its not GB members - LOL!
Welcome, Heather. I live in NC, too! Nice weekend, huh? (Finally!)