My JW Husband Got a "Privilege" Back - UGH!

by worldlygirl 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • worldlygirl

    My JW husband came home from his meeting yesterday a little later than usual, and when I asked him where he had been, he said he had to meet with the elders after the meeting. Why? Well, it seems that even though he is reinstated, he has to ask for each of his"privileges" back one at a time. Nothing like prolonging the agony!!

    So to make a long story short, he had to talk to them to see if he would be allowed to comment at meetings in the future. I went ballistic. I said, "This is pathetic! You're tell me that MY HUSBAND, the person I am SUPPOSED to be able to count on to make decisions for this family, just met with three old men and asked their PERMISSION to RAISE HIS HAND and READ THE ANSWER THAT IS ALREADY WRITTEN in the literature????? What kind of respect am I supposed to have for this?? It's like a big game of "Mother-May-I?" He even made a comment about being head of the household, and I stopped him right there. I said, "Whoa, buddy, you are NOT the head of this household, I don't care what those blithering idiot elders with a cumulative IQ of 90 tell you!!!!! So just forget about that crap!"

    These so-called elders are getting off on this because they are practically illiterate and this is the only place in their lives they can garner ANY RESPECT whatsoever!!! UGH!!!!!"

    Needless to say he is not speaking to me now. I'M SO F***ING MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (Sorry - I just had to vent.)


  • minimus

    ah, perhaps you could use a different approach.

  • ballistic
    I went ballistic

    Yeah I would have done too!

  • Austrian

    That actually is the best priviledge to get taken away from you. I hated commenting at the meetings. Commenting is just a way to let the know-it-all dubbers spout off on how well they can rephrase the paragraph...

  • unbeliever

    [quote]He even made a comment about being head of the household, and I stopped him right there. I said, "Whoa, buddy, you are NOT the head of this household, I don't care what those blithering idiot elders with a cumulative IQ of 90 tell you!!!!! So just forget about that crap!"[/quote]

    That gave me the biggest laugh! If your ever around those stupid elders I think you should tell them what you told your husband. Stick to your guns.

  • simplesally

    I cannot even believe that he would say that he was the head of the household when you are not a JW. If you were a JW, they'd expect you to be submissive and for him to take the lead......and none of them really know how to do that. Most JW men are lowlife cowards who can't make it the world therefore become bigshots over all the people who are busy with real jobs.

  • ninecharger

    Right on Galfriend!

    Why should any one respect Theocrappic Ordure?

    (That one will go in my New International Dictionary for Jerboas Witlessness)


  • 95stormfront

    Just how long does his fits of giving you the silent treatment last?

    It all seems so childish the way JWs act if you're not on bended knee around t hem.

  • worldlygirl
    Just how long does his fits of giving you the silent treatment last?

    Not long. I'm not sure if the silence is because he is pissed, or if he knows I'm right so he just doesn't have anything to say. One thing I've noticed is that if I bring up a subject that he doesn't know the "official" answer to, he stops talking. He's like a pre-programmed robot.

  • blondie
    how well they can rephrase the paragraph...

    I call that regurgitation.


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