Breaks my heart when kids are involved with the cult nonsense. I saw this same thing happen, firsthand. Not to me, but someone close. The child was a minor, mom is DF'd, father and his family is insane! The father's family, not as much him, love bombed and guilted the minor into getting baptized. Of course being a minor, the mom was opposed. And she was not really opposed to the baptism, she said it was the minor's choice to do so, the when minor WAS LEGAL. Which is all she wanted, for the minor to make an informed responisble decision.
Anyways, one word of warning. The minor here, was warned before hand by the dad's family.......Satan was going to use mom to try and stop the baptism. It's not mom talking, it's satan talking through and using mom!! So when mom said turned into OMG you were right?!? Satan really did use mom?!?! Children's mind are so easily molded and so open to suggestion, it's scary. The important thing here, is to make sure the kids know where you are coming from. That it is their choice......when they are old enough to make such a life altering decision.
Best best of luck to you!!