JoinedPosts by Mystery
At last!
by leddfootdja ini registered 2 months ago but never received the email with a password.
i thought the admin had something against me!.
anyway, male 28 y/o ex-jw as of 7 years ago from the sterling heights(detroit), mi area.
I have already been surprised at all i have/am learning. -
What parents need to know...
by SheilaM intoday on montel he is discussing a subject i just did a speech on yesterday.
it's about the medication of children for adhd.
1. that ritalin is a class ii drug and is on the same as cocaine.
Not being able to find "right" answers are flusterating to those of us trying to find the truth.
Kids being "lumped" into a catagory really upsets me.
My youngest son, now 13, was diagnosed with ADD (I think) they wanted him on Ritlan, but I refused. Upon further digging his problem was not that he didn't want to pay attention or learn, it was that he had lost 70% of hearing in one of his ears and 50% in his other ear. He "couldn't hear" in his 1st & 2nd year of school. I didn't notice, I though he was just a quiet child, his brother did all of his talking for him. He subconsciencely learned what I wanted from him with my gestures (I always had points "taken off" for not gesturing during my talks! Anyone remember that?) After getting my son a hearing aide he learned to read and pay attention.
This turned me off to diagnosis/drugs before my oldest began showing real signs of violence, disrespect and anger.
For those of us trying to find answers it is just really flusterating when people say "if you had of just disciplined....beat....grounded....not let him hang out with so & so...etc....... he wouldn't be this way. Let me have him for a few days, he will come back a different person." I have several friends that I will not talk to about my son because of their ignorance in the real problem (see above). They ask me about him and I just say "he's fine".
Still searching for real answers....
Deborah -
What parents need to know...
by SheilaM intoday on montel he is discussing a subject i just did a speech on yesterday.
it's about the medication of children for adhd.
1. that ritalin is a class ii drug and is on the same as cocaine.
Lyin Eyes . ---"I read that Bipolar and ADD run so close in symptoms that doctors think they may actually be the same thing, or so close because of the way the brain looks in scans and the brain chemicals."--- (sorry I still haven't figured out the quote color thing)
Is your doctor saying that you have both? I was understood "our doc" to say that ADHD & Bi-Polar II ran along the same lines. The violent part of my son was more toward the Bi-Polar & the lack of concentration, going 90mph or crashing was toward the ADHD side.
Any suggetions for the questions I can ask the doc's? Has anyone had any specific test that I can request to get his problem diagnosed completely or as close as possible?
A boy in our area killed his parents a few years back, if I remember correctly he used an ax and then went after his broher and sister. I don't remember all of the facts... i can look them up if someone wants to know them....
Point is that the doctor this boy was seeing was the same doctor that my son "was" seeing. He reminded us of this incident and told us that the boy was in the III/IV Stage of Bi-Polar and that he had warned the parents about the violence of the boy and they chose to ignore it. He told us that our son was in the II Stage of Bi-Polar. So guess what i go to sleep of and dream at night?
I don't want thrown into a catagory. I want to know what is out there that can properly diagnose my son. -
What parents need to know...
by SheilaM intoday on montel he is discussing a subject i just did a speech on yesterday.
it's about the medication of children for adhd.
1. that ritalin is a class ii drug and is on the same as cocaine.
RN -
I can not reply to your PM.
My direct email is [email protected]
The answer to your question is yes, in the county.
Deborah -
What parents need to know...
by SheilaM intoday on montel he is discussing a subject i just did a speech on yesterday.
it's about the medication of children for adhd.
1. that ritalin is a class ii drug and is on the same as cocaine.
I have been to doctor after doctor for over 2 years with my son. He has been diagnosed with bi-polar, manic depressant and other things that I cannot even remember. Now they are “classifying” him as possible ADHT. (And he isn’t even being brought up a JW!)
He has done everything from going after his dad with a broken beer bottle to trying to commit suicide to getting a machete and cutting both his arms (and wrist!) up one side and down the other. He has taken a bird away from our cat and nursed it back to health, took his younger brother over and told him how proud he is of him, he has surprised me by me coming home and having a perfectly clean house. Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde.
He has a chemical brain imbalance; we are still trying to get it straightened out.
I have gone against all drugs they wanted to give him. I have finally conceded and he is now on Zoloft. He is a different person. He holds his temper (most of the time) instead of letting it fly. He does the dishes, grudgingly as most teenagers, but he now does them. He still can’t sit still for very long. He is very smart especially in mathematics, his SAT’s were in the top .5%. The doc wants to put him on sleeping pills because his mind races so much that he can’t sleep. I have been giving him St. Johns Wort and it has helped him some. I haven’t conceded to the sleeping pills yet. We are still in turmoil with him. Waiting for “something else” to happen.
For those of you that believe they can “knock it into him” (I am so SICK AND TIRED of people saying that!) that it is all a bunch of BS; learn the facts before you start with your BS! I know that some parent that have taken the "easy way out" and just drug their kids and every time I think of it I get furious!!! Don’t put all of us in that same category.
If there is an expert on this forum I would like your opinion. I am afraid for my son. I don’t want him on drugs, but if he really honestly has a medical problem I don’t want him to be stuck with a wrong label. He has been labeled with so many different acronyms what do I believe? -
What parents need to know...
by SheilaM intoday on montel he is discussing a subject i just did a speech on yesterday.
it's about the medication of children for adhd.
1. that ritalin is a class ii drug and is on the same as cocaine.
SixofNine is correct.
SheliaM you said that you just spoke on this subject. What do you do?
I am in a huge dilema regarding my son. I need assistance if you are knowledgable in the area.
Thank you.
deborah -
My Fault?
by Shytears ini would like to ask you guys a question,and i would love to hear your opinons,ok,for the past few months,i havent been doing nothing but staying in the house like everysingle day,i cant hang around my"worldy" friends,and my witness friends that i have are always busy,hmm well whenever i call to ask to do sumthing they always have other plans..thats the only people my parents let me hang around,so i have to compromise,cause i need to be around people,i enjoy i was wondering is it my fault i have no one to do stuff with?
?my brother blames me,he wants me to do stuff with him,but he is 30,i wanna hang around people my own age..well thanks,bye laura
Shytears -
I just read your post from about 3 weeks ago. I commented on it today, but I don't know if you go back and re-read it.
Email me at [email protected]
I have a son about your age, maybe "talking" to someone closer to your age may help as well. He isn't home much - he plays soccer and works, but maybe you two could talk. I have a toll free line that you can call on - I have a home based business that requires the line, so you can talk without being billed. Please send me an email - i will give it to you.
Deborah -
My Fault?
by Shytears ini would like to ask you guys a question,and i would love to hear your opinons,ok,for the past few months,i havent been doing nothing but staying in the house like everysingle day,i cant hang around my"worldy" friends,and my witness friends that i have are always busy,hmm well whenever i call to ask to do sumthing they always have other plans..thats the only people my parents let me hang around,so i have to compromise,cause i need to be around people,i enjoy i was wondering is it my fault i have no one to do stuff with?
?my brother blames me,he wants me to do stuff with him,but he is 30,i wanna hang around people my own age..well thanks,bye laura
Is your brother a JW?
Depressed beyond Words...
by Shytears indid u ever feel so depressed u felt the only thing that could get rid of the pain was to commit suicide???
?...well i tried that tonite,i know its not a good thing ,but i felt it was the only way out..well im still here so i didnt do it,thank god,my wrists have lil cuts everywhere tho,i just hope no one sees them..if u guys remember me yall know it has been an ongoing battle with my parents cause i dont wanna be a witness.. now i literally cannot do nothing!
they dont trust me at all!
shytears -
I know this is a few weeks after your post but...
Reach out before doing anything like that again, like you did this time.
I am not raising my son as a JW. I faded 20 years ago. You are 16, my son will soon be 15. He OD'd in Jan. I admitted him into a hospital after that.
He stayed about 4 weeks. He still gets extremly depressed at times. We have him under medical care right now.
Becoming an adult is hard enough to deal with, but you have an added weight of wanting out of the Borg. If you want to talk with someone closer to your age, I am sure my son would talk/email you. I have a toll free phone number - due to my business - I would be glad to give it to you. Email - [email protected] and I will give it to you, who knows maybe you live just around the corner? You can call anytime - day or night.
Everyone is right you do have so much to live for. Like most here, I did not want to live after realizing the "truth" was the "lie" instead. But we have survived it. You can too.
Please do as suggested. Get your GPA as close to 4.0 as possible. Go and talk with the school counselor, tell her you want/need to get a scholarship due to your parents not supporting you in your desire to go to college. Babysit, mow lawns, pick up cans do anything you can to save money. Sit down and write down your goals. Write them - it makes them more real. Write the reason that you can NOT acomplish them. Now WRITE HOW YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH THEM. Ask for help in finding scholarships - i am sure a lot of people on here know how to find them on the web. We can help you get out - but you have to want to.
So are you going to just give up? or LIVE?