You are absolutely correct in my experience with asking others what they know about JW's. I just received a very lengthy email from a very dear friend, whose only association with JW's was a friend he went to school with and with me (we met in college). He has been reading a lot on Social Psychology and was analyzing me regarding my "obsession" with being a JW and not being able to completely let it go. (Tell my mom & family - I will never go back).
We have been friends for many years; this is the first time he didn't give the same redudant answers to my raves, typical non-JW answers of someone that is "trying to understand". It is like a light bulb clicked on in his mind about what I have been talking to him about for so long. This was the first time he referred to it as a cult, comparing it to remarkable control Jim Jones had over the belivers that were part of the Jonestown massacre.
A portion of his email to me: of the biggest struggles you will ever have, putting that crap behind you, is removing the hook that was set to the bone by your parents. You brain associates that religion and its belief with your parents. The same folks that gave you like and raised you and loved you for all that time. In the deepest parts of your brain, you associate disowning that religion with disowning them......
What father or mother would put ANYTHING over the love for their children? What father or mother would ever allow a single hair to be harmed on their child?s head?
I'm not suggesting that they don't love you, but they are putting that cult ahead of their love for you and that is F...ED UP! period! no way other than that to look at it.
What makes it so painful is that you probably do what I and every other person on the face of the planet does. No matter how good or bad or down right evil a persons parents may be, we, as kids, will spend the rest of our lives seeking their approval.
An opinion of an outsider looking in at JW's. Once they get past the holiday and bood issues.