Not being able to find "right" answers are flusterating to those of us trying to find the truth.
Kids being "lumped" into a catagory really upsets me.
My youngest son, now 13, was diagnosed with ADD (I think) they wanted him on Ritlan, but I refused. Upon further digging his problem was not that he didn't want to pay attention or learn, it was that he had lost 70% of hearing in one of his ears and 50% in his other ear. He "couldn't hear" in his 1st & 2nd year of school. I didn't notice, I though he was just a quiet child, his brother did all of his talking for him. He subconsciencely learned what I wanted from him with my gestures (I always had points "taken off" for not gesturing during my talks! Anyone remember that?) After getting my son a hearing aide he learned to read and pay attention.
This turned me off to diagnosis/drugs before my oldest began showing real signs of violence, disrespect and anger.
For those of us trying to find answers it is just really flusterating when people say "if you had of just disciplined....beat....grounded....not let him hang out with so & so...etc....... he wouldn't be this way. Let me have him for a few days, he will come back a different person." I have several friends that I will not talk to about my son because of their ignorance in the real problem (see above). They ask me about him and I just say "he's fine".
Still searching for real answers....