@Jim_TX: that won't work...you know JWs are allergic to doing research...that's why they're still JWs.
Posts by Oogie
Reverse-Witnessing leaves me mentally and emotionally drained...
by ILoveTTATT inhi dear friends!.
i am doing some stealth reverse-witnessing, and i have succeeded in at least two people seeing ttatt, one being my friend and the other being my dad (although my dad has a longer route to take to exit the wts, and i have to slowly chip away at the illusion).... the illusion of jw's is very strong.
they give an illusion of being moral and decent people, and that may be true just because the majority of the people they attract are just being deceived, or i really like to believe that and hope for the best.. what i hate and leaves me emotionally drained are jw apologists.
I think I have finally reached the point were I have to make a hard decision....
by confusedandalone in<rant>.
i know i have been rambling alot (feel free to delete my threads if so), but it appeas i am getting to the point where i see no use in the bible.
i feel very bad about this right now.
I have ideas about what truth really is, but you'd all think i'm bonkers.
Really enjoyed the CONvention....why?
by punkofnice ini remember when i was a mind cleansed(tm) jw i would listen to the talks when i wasn't napping.. on the long tiring drive home i'd say how i ''enjoyed(tm)'' the sessions and felt ''encouraged(tm)''.. .....and yet i couldn't recall a single ''point(tm)'' made.
i couldn't remember what it was that actually made me feel good.. on one occasion i asked the family what they found ''encouraging(tm)'' or interesting.. tumble weed.
no examples.
i enjoyed helping prepare the lunches, didn't have to sit and be bored to tears like all the other kids.
Interesting experience while protesting at district conventions
by theron ware infor three weekends this summer, a friend and i protested outside district assemblies being held in the tucson convention center.
our approach was very low key and completely non-confrontational: we just held our posters and smiled.
this was our experience at the first two assemblies (for the third assembly, see the next paragraph).
my hubby and i used to engage in debate-style talking with ones picketing...never a dull moment.
YAY!!! My first time being shunned and it was humorous to say the least
by confusedandalone ina good friend of mine invited me to a party after her meeting on sunday.
i told her i was not going any longer and she doesn't care.
she also let us know that no other witnesses would be there.
FadeToBlack Perhaps we have something contagious!
Yes, it's called having a brain.
Encounter at McDonalds
by jws inso i was helping some friends move and it came time for a break, i took my kids to mcdonalds.
we're sitting there and there's a family across from us, man, wife, 2 kids under 4. in the next booth is this older guy, maybe late 60's.. i'm not really paying attention, but then this older guy says something to the family about everybody being "me-first" these days.
so that caught my ear.
@LisaRose...awesome, that will be a future article, i'm sure.
Danger Witness Robinson! Danger!!!
by Marvin Shilmer indanger witness robinson!
today i added a new article to my blog highlighting the danger of power consolidation along with an overt attempt to ready millions for obeying irrational direction from this power.
"How far will they try to take this is anybody's guess as the goings get tuffer for the GB the more wacko they will get trying to keep alive the delusion till it finally falls to pieces(nightmare stage of wishful thinking).
Christopher Booker described wishful thinking in terms of
- “the fantasy cycle” ... a pattern that recurs in personal lives, in politics, in history – and in storytelling. When we embark on a course of action which is unconsciously driven by wishful thinking, all may seem to go well for a time, in what may be called the “dream stage”. But because this make-believe can never be reconciled with reality, it leads to a “frustration stage” as things start to go wrong, prompting a more determined effort to keep the fantasy in being. As reality presses in, it leads to a “nightmare stage” as everything goes wrong, culminating in an “explosion into reality”, when the fantasy finally falls apart. [1]"
- This fact saddens and, to an extent, frightens me... I have LOADS of people in that I truly care about, and it scares me to think what possible dangers might lay ahead of them. Whether it be mental anguish or physical, who knows? I just hope this façade comes crashing down sooner than later.
Yeah, I guess it makes sense why my husband won't change his mind for now...he was Cat-a-holic, must like the guilt-tripping.
Thanks all...I'm having a slight panic attack thinking about all of this. This is awful.
I wish I had seen some of these posts before I told my husband about my thoughts. While he was calm and understanding, he put up the same j-dub wall they all do. For now, around him, I'll put on the 'good j-dub wife' mask...but I can't change what truths I have come to.
Question: when you're being de-programmed, do you have any physical pain in your head?
But, thank you all again for your support. I'll make it through this, I know I will!
@red pillar: i don't know what made me do it...just this feeling i'd been having ever since i wasn't able to actually be at the meetings, so i did the research.