Posts by Oogie
Homo sapiens is also missing (let alone the missing links in between)
by iconoclastic inthe word sapiens (from latin, meaning wise) when applied to humans as final evolute, it is understood that humans manifest wisdom in their day-to-day living.
one of the features of being wise (which means having/showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment) is about replacing wastages with something better.
is this being done with regard to many of the greater aspects of our lives?.
Evolution doesn't make sense only to people who haven't put real thought into it. When you do put real thought into it, you'll wonder how you never believed it in the first place. Ya dig? -
It is possible two new governing body members this year
by rege brazzy inlast three years that mark sanderson was apointed(announced)september 1,2012.
I think there will only be a new GB member if one dies. I'm pretty sure they're following this scripture:
Acts 6:3 - And so, brothers, select seven men who are well respected and are full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will give them this responsibility.
JW UN Rumor
by ivanatahan inyes, i have returned.. a short recap of major events since my inactivity began: i finally revealed to my parents that i do not believe the same thing they believe in (after i was caught smooching my girlfriend by a family of good-for-nothing pieces of human feces), and of course they view themselves as failed parents who were unable to brainwash their children.
that is, of course, the reason why they are much more controlling over what i do in my life now (my mom even tried having a "bible study" with me).
i told them everything and i was unable to dent their jw imposed mind force field, while also exposing a clear jw misunderstanding of probability, evolution, history, logic/reason, and the big bang theory.. in a conversation i had with my mother a few weeks back (i also heard this rumor before, but my mother told me it again), she mentioned how the un held a summit of all religions and when the jws presented themselves and mentioned their preaching work warning of the coming un ban on religion (referring to an international organization who can't even prevent genocide, much less impose human rights), a un official came up to the jw who presented the cult and told him to "speed up the preaching work", because they plan on doing the ban soon.. it saddens me to think of how ignorant jws are in relation to the principles upon which the un was founded and being unaware that the un at least has some sense as to not ban religion, but this rumor, as ridiculous as it is, needs to be put at rest.
I heard where someone from the U.N would phone Bethel occasionally to see where they preaching work was at to see how much time the U.N. had.
I also heard a variant of the walnut story with a cop eating peanuts out of a bowl which had had the chocolate sucked off.
Aah...JW mythos.
Why doesn't Jesus appear to you ?
by opusdei1972 inthe new testament tells us stories about miracles, people speaking in different languages by the holy spirit, jesus appearing to many of his disciples.
but, why this was only a first century phenomenom???.
here some reasoning:
Because once I stop believing in my imaginary friends, they disappear. -
What has the Watchtower reading material done to YOU?
by The Rebel inthe reason i ask is because i realise i couldn't go on reading watchtower material.
i have discovered it did something to my mind no other literature has done to me before.
it had turned me in to a person without a heart, or soul, and made me in humane and distant from other humans who didn't share the w.t world view.. i now feel ashamed of my childish behaviour, and i have learnt :-.
Well, right after I woke up from my programming...just looking at a magazine lying on the desk made me nauseous. Nauseous to the point that I had to pick it up and tear it into tiny little pieces and flush it down the toilet.
Royal Commission taking our emails to heart
by wannaexit induring the proceedings of australian royal commission, as many of you, i also took time to share with the office of mr stewart, my thoughts and perspective on what what being said and not said by the witness elders on the stand.
within a day a received a reply from office of angus stewart thanking and appreciating the insight from those on the "inside".
yesterday i received a further email that my correspondence was passed on to case study 29 (jehovah's witnesses) team for their consideration.. it sounds like they are taking all our collective experience and knowledge into account as the commission continues its work..
Sad News: Girl of JW parents with schizophrenia murders two siblings
by ILoveTTATT2 inthis is a very sad and disturbing case in mexico.. used google translate.
ask me if the translation is not clear:.
My 5 year old knows satan isn't took a while for me to get the indoctrination out of her head. -
New convention theme
by StarTrekAngel injust wanted to post here real quick, as many have joked about it.
we had an announcement in our cong last week about the upcoming one day assembly.
the title of the assembly is "imitate jehovah".
Naw, next ass-embly [after his one] will be called: 'follow the governing body.' -
What woke you up?
by Israel Ricky Gonzales inin march of 2014, i was a very active jw, a ministerial servant, gave a public talk, was an attendant for the memorial, and one of 4 cleaning captains for an international convention of 40,000+ attendees.
so what woke me up?
an innocent comment from a co-worker about the candice conti court case rang a bell that could not be unrung.
Researching 'mind-control' woke me up. -
Local Congregation Takes Away My Dad's Phone Hook-Up (HE'S 85 YRS. OLD)
by NoMoreHustle inthis happened about 6 months ago, didn't really have an opportunity to post about it (been busy), but they still haven't given back his password for the phone hook-up.
they say that this is direction from the "branch office".
i think it's complete bs, the real reason why they are doing this is to punish me & my family because i am basically a ghost when it comes to meetings & any type of activity.
My old hall changed the password every 6 you weren't deemed worthy of it, they just wouldn't update you.