This thread is still open?!?
Why is it still open?
bruce malone, an outstanding scientist has absolute scientific proof that evolution is not scientific!.
bruce, a leading researcher for dow chemical for 30 years; he is one of the top 100 inventors eighteen of his inventions raised millions of dollars; and has a b.s.
degree in chemical engineering.
This thread is still open?!?
Why is it still open?
i am looking for software that will notify me of any changes to the entire watchtower/ website.
i would prefer to monitor the whole website instead of pages.
i would prefer to be notified immediately of any changes in case they put up something they didn't mean to then i can grab it before they remove it .
i am not sure why more people aren't talking about this?.
the march 15 study edition of the wt has some major changes!
- all unbiblical "types and antitypes" are now dropped.
the funniest i have seen since ages.....
i started this topic 5 years ago letting everyone know i had decide to get my ged and go to college in hopes of getting an education so that i could have a career instead of just a job.
i wanted fulfillment and a future, not just another job that has no really future in it.
Awesome news Noni!!!
[Simon, why was this post rated "NC-17"? Was it because of the Latin words?]
i've been thinking that an effective way to expose the idiocy and vacuousness of jwism is to use it right back on them when they come to your door.
say you're a fader and you've moved to the territory of a different circuit where the jws there don't know your jw background.
when they come knocking at your door, just put on the jw mindset and pretend to yourself that the jws at the door are not jws but members of a "false religion.".
in most of the usa and canada april 10 is national sibling day.
the witnesses are all in a frenzie actually celebrating this in my area.
yet in a few months these same people will shun mother and father's day.
Hrm, I wonder what pagan god or goddess they can summon who was once worshipped and they were a sibling
Perhaps Romulus and Remus or the Gemenii twins will be used as examples?
greetings from redding calif. my name is bill covert.
i am one of those viet nam war felons for having to refuse communtiy service in lieu of military induction per direct instructions from ny, so i have been around for a while.
i am the writer of the letters mentioned in the human apostate talk of the 2013 conventions.
murdered singer, selena, was raised a jw?.
did you know that selena quintanilla was raised in a devout jehovahs witness family?
we don’t celebrate deaths
Um...then what is Jesus' memorial?
when it comes to a simple matter of no longer believing the teachings of jw's, it appears to me that it's more common for the husband to make the first move to leave the religion.