I can hear lovely kingdom music in the background as a warm voice explains how Jehovah's happy people are enthusiastically engaged in the clean-up work after God's fearsome day of vengeance.
"We warned them brothers. Didn't we warn them?"
I can hear lovely kingdom music in the background as a warm voice explains how Jehovah's happy people are enthusiastically engaged in the clean-up work after God's fearsome day of vengeance.
"We warned them brothers. Didn't we warn them?"
please spare a moment to consider the difiiculties faced by gay jehovahs witnesses.
i was raised and baptised as a very serious jw.
every waking moment of my day was lived for jehovahs and his organization and for nothing else.
And let's not forget our lesbian sisters who have gone through the exact same thing.
Nice summary, Truthwillsetyoufree. My life growing up as a gay JW was very similar. Sometimes it makes me so angry to think about the ridiculousness of it all that I often find myself not interested in talking about it. It's behind me and I want it to stay there.
Then I remember there are always younger people going through it that need to know they are not alone.
three days ago we mixed up the recipe and sprayed the driveway cracks and several places where the weeds have been hard to get rid of.. today the weeds are dead just like when we've sprayed commercial weed killer.. mix one gallon white vinegar, 1 cup salt, 5 to 6 tablespoons of dawn dishwashing liquid.
note: don't spray if it's fixin' to rain, wait for dry weather so the stuff will stay on the weeds.
and don't spray where you want anything to grow ever!.
Heaven: If I just 'paint' this on the leaves of the plants instead of 'spray' do you think I can then plant grass seed later? Maybe I'll just test a small spot.
We often paint the leaves of an encroaching species on our putting greens at the golf course. If you have a stoloniferous turf (bermuda, creeping bent, zoysia) you won't need to reseed. Just give it a few days or weeks to fill in, depending on how large the invasive patch.
Doing a small test spot is always a good idea.
1 corinthians 13:8 - love never fails.... .
i've always thought it meant that where love once existed it will always exist, always be felt no matter what happens.
the last few years have forced me to abandon that understanding in favor of new light.. now i'm thinking: love never fails to be the appropriate way to handle any given situation.
1 Corinthians 13:8 - Love never fails...
I've always thought it meant that where love once existed it will always exist, always be felt no matter what happens. The last few years have forced me to abandon that understanding in favor of new light.
Now I'm thinking: Love never fails to be the appropriate way to handle any given situation. Behaving lovingly toward someone you have no particular feelings for one way or another.
How do you understand this scripture?
when...... 1) we follow christ example not the gb.
2) stop df'ing those for challenging current or past doctrine and allow us to use our god given gift of reason and free wil.
sure kick out the scumbags even the lions club have rules for membership, but not those who just use their brains and consience.. 3) get rid of the nonsensical blood teaching that has cost the lives of thousands and beg god for forgiveness.
Kensho, those would all be positive changes, sure. But the one thing they cannot do is undo all the damage they have already caused. They cannot fix it and I do not forgive them.
when...... 1) we follow christ example not the gb.
2) stop df'ing those for challenging current or past doctrine and allow us to use our god given gift of reason and free wil.
sure kick out the scumbags even the lions club have rules for membership, but not those who just use their brains and consience.. 3) get rid of the nonsensical blood teaching that has cost the lives of thousands and beg god for forgiveness.
sparrowdown: A polished turd is still a turd.
personally i believe we are.. your thoughts?.
how will it turn out?.
what can/should we do?.
It's just a whisper away. We will likely never fulfill any career goals so there's no reason to even go to school.
Seriously: I listen to the news and things do seem to be at a tipping point. But that same sentiment has been felt by so many generations that I take my own observations with a grain of salt. Using all the turmoil going on in the world to promote the idea that we are so close to the end is about as useful as pointing to all the problems with the Watchtower as evidence that it is about to crumble.
Everything will just keep plugging along until God tells everyone to get out of the pool - despite our keen observations
we are up for a new kind of persecution in the future.
a new form that was unheard of for us.
in australia, disfellowshipped and dissasociated are planning on suing jw for emotional and mental hardship for being cast out completely.
the jehovahs witnesses official web site logo incorporating jw.org has been refused registration by the united states patent and trademark office due to similarity to jw player.. section 2(d) refusal likelihood of confusionclass 42. for the reasons set forth below, the refusal under trademark act section 2(d) is now made final with respect to u.s. registration no(s).
this refusal is limited to the class 42 services in the application.. applicants mark is jw.org & design, for use with, inter alia, providing a web site that gives computer users the ability to download audio and video recordings, dvds, music, digital print publications, online publications, documents, forms and web pages all in the field of religion, in class 42. the cited mark is jw player, for use with downloadable computer software for playing, viewing and streaming audio and video files in class 09.. .
documents available to download at jw leaks.. http://jwleaks.org/2014/06/19/jw-org-logo-denied-trademark-status-in-the-united-states/.
God is obligated to bind in heaven what the GB sees fit to bind on earth. How can the patent office get away with this?
i was just thinking today of the ramifications for the wt if the government of finland was successful in its case against shunning practices, and eventually this was implemented all around the world.. the question this would raise is do they obey gods commandments or that of mans.
jehovah has implemented a scriptural policy through the fds of disfellowshipping.
it's a loving provision that helps the wrong doer see the errors of his ways and draws him back to jehovah.
So if Wt back track on shunning then how do they explain it to a family who haven't spoken to a disfellowshipped son/daughter in years.
Accomplishing this trick is only half of the equation. The other half will be in convincing those that have been shunned that their ex-family members are worth talking to.