Of course they're getting millions of hits a day. EVERYONE loves a freak show.
Posts by Zoos
Good News! Jah is speeding up the work!
by awakenyr2004 inall he needed was the internet how many years later!
the end is definitely around the corner now.
with all the website hits just in the last few weeks how could it not be?
Westboro Baptists to Protest ISIS
by JeffT inget some popcorn, this might be entertaining.. .
Bets are being taken: Westboro will find some logistical reason for backing out.
Those cowards hide behind the laws of this land. Nothing to hide behind over there. They won't go.
Did it arrive invisibly?
Accused Rapist, Angela Montgomery, a JW, goes to trial Sept. 2-5, 2014 in Tennessee
by AndersonsInfo infirst article to appear in the newspaper on sept. 5, 2012:.
former resident returns to 'boro to face accusations [murfreesboro, tennessee].
11:03 pm, sep 5, 2012 | https://www.tennessean.com/article/d4/20120906/news/309060021/mother-charged-2-rapes.
DCS spokesperson Rob Johnson said his department cannot comment.
I'd be hesitant to open my mouth too. Not much he can say at this point.
I'm officially an apostate. Mentally Diseased.
by SuperBoy ini have published a blog, critical of jehovah's witnesses.
the name might be a bit of a clue that something's up.. .
Well... I guess you know you will die at Armageddon now and have no hope of a resurrection. LOLOLOL
That's okay. We love you!
Nice job, BTW
What would you do if JW's lifted the shunning policy?
by bsand20 inhave you guys asked yourself that question?
what if the gb decided that "new light" revealed to them that disfellowshipping was wrong and they would do away with it for current dfd members as well...... .......16 years of my life.
would i welcome my family back?
I seriously doubt my mother and sisters would reach out to me. They would be too embarrassed after what they have done.
seriously doubtknow for a fact I would not reach out to them. I'm too pissed after what they have done. -
That's it......
by whathehadas inthis might be my last post.
i've had quite a few things on my mind over the past few years, mainly my belief in god.
i've tried to move on from the jw past but that's really being foolish.
I've struggle in the friend-making department also. It's not an easy skill to learn later in life. But I HAVE, finally, made a small handful of friends and they are valued. It takes time. It takes going through the anger and coming out better on the other side.
KM Oct 2014 - Homosexuality (week of Oct 13th)
by Splash init would be interesting to have some present (stonewall?
) at these meetings to witness and record talk number three on the tms.. talk 3 - "what the bible says about homosexuality" (reasoning book p.368-369).
the reasoning book tells us in part:.
This ststement is absolutely true:
"The Bible’s counsel is very much up to date in meeting the needs of those who want a clean conscience before God and a life free from needless frustration."
Through study of the bible this homo was freed of the WT cult and a lifetime of needless frustration.
JW's on a Saturday morning.
by donny intoday on my morning run i saw two sets of jw's going door to door on boston st. one set was two ladies and the other was two guys.
after i has passed them up on the sidewalk i turned around and began walking towards them.
the ladies turned to go up to another home just before i got to them but the guys were still approaching.
"Well yes it is, but that is rarely shared with people who are not of our faith?"
Because they KNOW how whacked it sounds.
Even when I was completely in and hopelessly indoctrinated I struggled making sense of the 1919 explanation. I shrugged it off as over my head - not spiritually mature enough to understand.
Are JEhovah's Witnesses reaching out to the Gay community ?
by Watchtower-Free in.
apostate & ex-jehovalarious meme collection.
So what happens when JWs encounter legally married gay couples? Do they now encourage divorce?