I regret to inform I still have the same bad haircut I had when I exited.
And the suits and ties.
But no Watchtowers!
I regret to inform I still have the same bad haircut I had when I exited.
And the suits and ties.
But no Watchtowers!
LOL You win a free Watchtower!
Guess what I'm dressing up as this year?
yup, sorry brothers.
the world is getting better, not worse.
While not trying to play the role of a JW here, even I can see through the irrelevance of those graphs.
The war deaths graph only goes back to 1945 while the poverty and life expectancy graphs go back to 1820 and 1541(early 1800's for some countries) respectively. Right off the top it looks like they're trying to paint a picture with graphs that unbalanced.
Better food production and distribution alone can account for much of the poverty and life expectancy improvements.
sexual exploitation and abuse of six young children leads to lawsuit in dallas county.
dallas, oct. 23, 2014 /news.gnom.es/ six young adults, from north texas, all sexually abused as children, filed suit today in dallas, texas state court against three north texas jehovahs witnesses congregations (dallas, plano, and greenville), the watchtower bible and tract society of new york, and an elder.. sexually abused when they were ages 4 through 14, the plaintiffs were children of members of the dallas, plano, and greenville jehovahs witnesses congregations.
the suit states that they were repeatedly sexually abused and molested by an elder and an unknown regional circuit overseer, and that they and their families were threatened with discipline and harm if they disclosed the abuse to anyone.
Good Lord, here we go again.
I was going to read the legal documents but with the comments that have already been made about them I probably don't have the stomach for it.
seriously, endured a torturous conversation with an active jdub yesterday.
and he was frothing at the mouth about how "muslims are doing the right thing with .
executing the....." he then went on to list everyone from drugdealers to thieves to fornicators.. he said "countries where this sort of thing is happening have got it right!
a poster on another thread reminded me of when there was a 15 min.
break between the talk and the wt study on sundays.
the break was supposed to be to allow jw's time to drive their bible studys home from the talk.
I remember that break as a kid. Dad would go out and have a smoke while my brother and I played in the parking lot.
anybody remember hearing this?.
is that comment in print anywhere?.
NAVYTOWN: A 'college education' from where? Possumtrot University??? A PhD in doorbell ringing, no doubt.
I got a double PhD in sound system/mike handling. When you have that many degrees hanging on the wall it makes it difficult to relate with the common people.
I'm so lonely.
i believe that most witnesses would refuse blood to show their faithfulness to jehovah's law on blood transfusions....( that sounds silly, huh?).
Not only would I have not accepted blood, I personally marked an elder's wife for her decision to accept fractions for some medical problem that she later died from. I MARKED that bitch and she died for her error.
Yeah... I was that person.
I shudder!
the date passed by already, so i will mention the silly rumor that was going around.
this is freaking hilarious.
the rumor is a gullibility joke where it is hoped that the reader fails to remember that this holiday observance is on the fixed date of october 31st.