I read a post here that said: "Millions now dead were promised they would never die."
I wish I could remember who to give credit to.
this is the title of a watchtower book published 95 years ago in 1920 by j f rutherford.
it still gets an occasional mention at meetings about how it was a turning point in the history of the watchtower.
but how many witnessess today can answer this question.who are these millions of people alive in 1920 that would never die?
I read a post here that said: "Millions now dead were promised they would never die."
I wish I could remember who to give credit to.
so, how many times have we heard this expression (or a variation of it):.
"jehovah's spirit seems to be blocked here in the congregation...perhaps he is bringing something to light...etc".
it seems that the org often uses this expression, and links it with the "fact" that god wont bless a cong as much,(or at all) if there is "stuff" or "sins" being carried out.. so, why is it then that the cong i am in is experiencing its best years of activity in all aspects?
If it weren’t for your apostasy, Stuck, your congregation would be able to report several more return visits and at least one more study.
Do you see what a drag you are?
one of two things will happen.
i'll get disfellowshipped and never have to worry about being "told on" again for living a normal life, or; they won't do anything.. either way, it's freeing and i feel relieved... it will be sad if i get disfellowshipped but i've come to terms and made peace with it as much as can be expected.
it's a huge weight to have off.. was told on a week ago and haven't heard anything.
Simon: Just lie and then it's your word against someone elses.
Sucky advice sucks!
Cognac, don't diminish yourself by lying.
(Curious to see if I get disfellowshipped and shunned for speaking out against the leadership of this site.)
i'm just bored.
i'm currently (right now) running a mic up and down the aisles, recognising the faulty logic, one line platitudes, and indoctrination techniques.
i like posting while on active duty.
apparently, as if jw's problems with russia wasn't bad enough, this just in.... http://rapsinews.com/judicial_news/20141107/272536636.html.
Eh.... I smell a trumped up excuse by the government to go after a group they have publicly demonstrated hatred toward. Not that I blame them... but....
... Eh!
i have words that irritate me and not always without reason.. my latest hate is the word: 'solutions' as used by so many businesses in their title these days.
y'know, 'something innane business solutions' and such balderdash.. i loathe that word now.
"It was soooo surreal."
o.k just worked out how to start a new post/thread, just came across this and wanted to share with anyone that may be interested.. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/oct/20/idaho-citys-ordinance-tells-pastors-to-marry-gays-/.
coeur dalene, idaho, city officials have laid down the law to christian pastors within their community, telling them bluntly via an ordinance that if they refuse to marry homosexuals, they will face jail time and fines.. read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/oct/20/idaho-citys-ordinance-tells-pastors-to-marry-gays-/#ixzz3ibe4kyvq follow us: @washtimes on twitter.
I just don't understand why churches make exceptions for different "sins" and not others?
This has been the lead angle in my conversations with the guys at work - all straight, a few rednecks, one severely so.
"But gay is against the bible."
I dare them to pursue that line of argument until they explain all the titty bars in town (which many of them frequent) or the 200 laws on the books that allow them to trade their wife in for a newer model without the scriptural divorce allowance for adultery. I ask them to spend just five minutes talking about how wrong these things are and how they would like to see them expunged from society and how we should legislate the citizenry into compliance with these things that are "against the bible" and then I will hear their righteousness on the gay issue without suspecting a hint of disingenuousness.
with the recent case of the watchtower hierarchy defying the court to either produce documents relating to child sex abuse claims within their organisation, and also refusing to produce a governing member to appear in court to answer questions , not only shows their arrogance and defiance of the law , they also show their contempt of the judicial system of the usa .. arent they supposed to be obeying the bible injunction ?
" pay back ceasers things to ceaser ?".
"when you are hailed before the courts , i will put words in your mouth ?".
MINDBLOWN666 - I gather when JW's are called to court they can give the court system the bird!
It would behoove the brotherhood to follow the faithful slave.
i'm not sure if this is new since it is hard to keep up with the ever changing jw.
it is morphing so much.
i went to jw.org tv video for november and around 53 or 54 minutes into the broadcast the gb guy introduce a music video called "we won't forget you".
I just threw up in my mouth a little.
with the recent case of the watchtower hierarchy defying the court to either produce documents relating to child sex abuse claims within their organisation, and also refusing to produce a governing member to appear in court to answer questions , not only shows their arrogance and defiance of the law , they also show their contempt of the judicial system of the usa .. arent they supposed to be obeying the bible injunction ?
" pay back ceasers things to ceaser ?".
"when you are hailed before the courts , i will put words in your mouth ?".
Unfortunately, not learning from the mistakes of court compliance means a continuation of not learning the mistakes associated with child protection. I see your point and I agree it would be very satisfying to grab a Coke and a bag of popcorn and watch the WTS take one bloody nose after another for their arrogance. But it would come at a very high a price.
That said, it may play out the hard way anyway given the attitudes of superiority coming out of Brooklyn.