I think I may be in the process of losing some of my previously held adoration. I think generally it is true or at least written in a way that makes a beneficial point but I no longer believe it flows without error or contradiction. That much has become obvious.
I used to believe God protected the sanctity of His word but seeing what the Watchtower has done with their new NWT version has proven to me that He has not protected His word from the ravages of man's many agendas... (or is that "agendi"?)
I have come to the conclusion that the bible is a good starting point for learning the basics but at some point you have to graduate from the rules and regulations and learn how improvise in real life. I also think if you really want to experience the emotion of LOVE for God, stay away from the old testament. I'm content with the gospels at this point - they serve as a reminder that I shouldn't be a dick. Beyond that, I have little use for the book.