It's good to have a doctor in the house.
new to the site.
currently i am a ministerial servant and was told i was appointed to be an elder.
i told the brothers i was not ready for that assignment.
It's good to have a doctor in the house.
so.. some asshole visits another asshole but a mob erupts and wants to rape the visiting asshole.. the host asshole offers his daughter and the visiting asshole's concubine to appease the mob.. sure enough.. the concubine ends up gang raped and murdered.
in the morning the visiting asshole loads her up on his donkey, takes her home, dismembers her body into 12 pieces and sends it to all the tribes to incite war.. so an army of 22,000 is formed, some prick goes and asks jehovah if they should go and destroy the gang raping mob.. and jehovah says 'yes.. do it.
they go to fight and loose all 22,000 die.
Another comment was.. homosexuality is so bad that the host asshole would give up his daughter rather than having some dude get raped.
And the little gay boy or lesbian youth sitting quietly in the auditorium is asking, "Why am I such an abomination, God? Why won't you answer my prayers and change me? What did I do to offend you?"
Years later that young adult will have decided God's mind is made up, whatever the reason, so what's the point of trying... or in some cases, continuing.
Bravo, religion!
the "preaching work" they're so eager to brag about is just laughable.
they say their number is an indication of god's blessing.
oh, please, give me a break!
If they can bill an international award for flat floors at the Orangeburg, SC assembly hall as an indication of God's blessing, then attributing preaching work numbers to Jah ain't nuth'n.
hey guys,.
so, since my leaving i have been doing so much research on so many topics that it's been extremely enlightening.
not only have i learned a lot about the organization and what motivates it, but i have also learned a lot about the bible, god and most importantly, myself.. currently, i'm not quite sure where i stand, but i'm having some real issues with the bible and god.
"Religioned out." I like that, Bungi Bill. I think that best describes me while maintaining what I guess is a Christian foundation. I have a set of beliefs I believe are true (of course - why else would I hold them?), but now with the humility to swap them out in a heartbeat if they become unsustainable. I always lead with "In my opinion" when discussing the bible, but I have no desire to prove or debate.
I don't feel like I have a home in Religion, Inc. By far it mostly has a "God hates fags" slant to it and even the ones that don't are all caught up in this sensationalistic... emotionalism "Ohhhh JeeeeZUSS, my LORRD" with rolling eyes and emphatic gestures....
Oh Jesus, I just can't!
I'm religioned out! Thanks BB.
i got one from my mother.
when the hell did they start doing this???.
i'm guessing this is the way they're going to do it eventually.
did you see the last episode?
that nicely dressed, freshly-shaven young man that came out from behind the trees at the very end and said:.
i didn't mean to interrupt.
"lifestyle choice"...
so do you feel bad throwing away your old literature?.
what about your old song book or bible from your early days in the org?.
if so, is it because of sentimentality, monetary cost or because it might be 'sacred' ?.
I remember my own great purge and how empty and sad I felt inside while throwing it all out. I knew TTATT and I had no regrets for leaving, but somehow I was sad. That literature represented a feeling of security, albeit false.
Discussing the experience with another former JW, I was counseled to view it as leaving a once cherished but now toxic relationship. You know you're doing the right thing but the human in you still hurts.
It gets easier.
just a quick line, since this is the first time it happens to me and i could now see with my very own eyes.
the scene went like this, on the outside of a large store.. truck stops and a young boy, about 16, no more than 18 years old walks out.
comes up to me, pulls out a track and says.
There minds have been trained in a very precise way. You throw a monkey wrench into the matrix and....
did you see the last episode?
that nicely dressed, freshly-shaven young man that came out from behind the trees at the very end and said:.
i didn't mean to interrupt.
No mic privileges... LOL
They should have named him Andre.