because the Cooks Islands is a Christian country, no other form of worship should be permitted.
I heard a similar comment by a retired S. Baptist preacher recently. We get together for bible discussions and are careful to respect each other’s differences but he got a little excited about how God Bless America was bending over backward to accommodate Muslims and other non-Christian religions.
"This country was founded by Christians, for Christians!"
We were discussing the book of Daniel, specifically where the three boys were thrown in the fire. Mr. Preacher man said that the command to bow down to that alter was Nebuchadnezzar's version of trying to unite all the various gods in to one harmonious act of worship.
I thought, "huh?"
"And that's what Obama is doing now. He's trying to make Christians accept all these other gods and I'LL NOT STAND FOR IT!"
I thought, "Obama is doing... huh?"
I quickly remembered how rabidly some of these American zealots, especially in the southern states, are as incapable of seeing the difference between God and America as Jehovah's Witnesses are of seeing the difference between the governing body and Jehovah. It's not an argument worth having with a fully indoctrinated drone. I let it drop and tried to steer the conversation back to neutral territory.
I wish I had thought to ask him Tec's question:
So how could there be a 'christian country' other than the one He is coming to establish?