Be sure to report your time.
... oh! You just did.
i went to get my annual shearing done the other day, as people kept standing on my hair.
as i sat waiting for the guy in the chair to have his three or four hairs trimmed, i realised he was a young jw that i knew.. as he left the chair he had to turn around and face me, so could not ignore me, we spoke briefly and then he went.. the barber then asked if i was a jw too, as i knew the young feller.
i replied that i had been brought up as one, and a load of questions followed.
Be sure to report your time.
... oh! You just did.
i remember them stating something to that affect.
does anybody know where this was said?.
This, of course, does not mean that the spirit operates in the same way on all individuals.
Perhaps we should remind them of that line when they tell us that EVERYONE must go door-to-door and be a teahcer.
if i knew then what i know now, i might never have disassociated myself.
i realize all i can do is speculate on what could have been.
however, when i consider the number of people i might have been able to help by dropping little thought-provoking seeds, i really regret having jumped to the decision to disassociate so quickly.. ive read the accounts of several people on this forum telling of how stressful it is to be in the position that i just described above.
Dropping seeds not a very effective method, huh? Okay...
Well, the chance for operating on the inside has long passed for me anyway. I was just spouting off an idea. That they will wake up when they're ready makes sense. The teachers will arrive then. Santanus.
RMT1, I liked your loan analogy.
LOL @ BizzyVee. Message received.
Great feedback everyone. Thanks. It didn't turn out to be the list I had in mind, but very useful.
if i knew then what i know now, i might never have disassociated myself.
i realize all i can do is speculate on what could have been.
however, when i consider the number of people i might have been able to help by dropping little thought-provoking seeds, i really regret having jumped to the decision to disassociate so quickly.. ive read the accounts of several people on this forum telling of how stressful it is to be in the position that i just described above.
If I knew then what I know now, I might never have disassociated myself. I realize all I can do is speculate on what could have been. However, when I consider the number of people I might have been able to help by dropping little thought-provoking seeds, I really regret having jumped to the decision to disassociate so quickly.
I’ve read the accounts of several people on this forum telling of how stressful it is to be in the position that I just described above. I’m not suggesting that anyone endanger his or her health or sanity for the sake of waking up others. But if you are still in and awake and thinking of disassociating yourself, please stop and consider this:
1- There is a mountain of information for you to discover and you probably only know a fraction of what you are about to learn about this organization.
2- Once you disassociate, you will sever your ability to convey that information to friends and family, even if only in a limited and stealthy manner.
Others, please add to this list
we went swimming today, and joined up in the gym.
we will go every week on a sunday, and i will go alone twice a week.
i found it particularly easy to get involved with the other gym members in the suana, or playing with our kids in the pool.. we had a really great time, we even had reading time by the pool.
That's fantastic Kate. A regular program of exercise is beneficial under any circumstances, but especially yours. You've been under the weight of much stress lately and kicking around some iron is a great way to burn it off.
Exercise releases endorphins that help with depression.
For maximum benefit, utilize the training staff on hand to help you set up an organized routine rather than just wandering around the gym hitting random machines. It will help you stay interested in what you're doing, even during the hard parts, and you will see results faster.
I've been a gym rat for several years and I love it. I love the way it makes me feel.
And remember: You can't out exercise a bad diet.
i just wanted to share a cute story about my 6 year old.
he has been asking me why i haven't been going to the meetings recently.
i couldn't avoid it any longer so i sat down with him and told him that mommy has learned some things from the bible that is different from what the meetings teach.
That's great, SnailsPace. I guess if it's never too young for the WT to begin their indoctrination crap (Listen, Obey and be Blessed... ), then the same would apply in teaching their young minds to critically examine.
Time to institute a family home study night of your own, I think.
what made you realize it was time to go?
i've been having health problems for the last few years and instead of any help, i'm listed as spiritually weak and of course associations is only my kids and husband.
all the good jw's have moved to other congregations and are doing well.
When I first started studying I prayed to God not to let me get involved with a false religion, I don't know what happened there!
I struggled with a variation of this quandary myself.
Adamah was right when he stated: "The very phrase "false religion" is a misnomer that serves the purposes of ALL religions, since it implies there IS a "true religion", a classic example of creating a false dilemma."
The more you research things the more you will discover that all religions have elements of truth in them, to a greater or lesser extent. The opposite also applies. The question you should be exploring is whether or not God purposely tripped you up or paved the way for you to grow spiritually and become a "true Christian", keeping in mind that the definition of a true Christian is not tied up in religious dogma, but rather in the heart of an individual.
They are the very ones who demonstrate the matter of the law to be written in their hearts, while their conscience is bearing witness with them and, between their own thoughts, they are being accused or even excused. - Romans 2:15
Allowing you to get involved with the Watchtower organization should not be interpreted as a prayer unanswered but as a lack of good options. I'm sure you will agree that there are many, many good, decent, sincere Christians who identify themselves as Jehovah's Witnesses. Christians like that come in Mormons, Catholics and Baptists too. They also come in people who no longer have any corporate religious affiliation.
Don't view your time as a JW as a measurement of how God feels about you.
Welcome to the forum.
as a teenager back in the 1970's i once asked the question, how can they declare peace and security if the king of the north [soviet union] is to storm with many chariots?
i got the "what kind of question is that?
" response.. then in the 1980's i said "if it wasn'nt for the 1914 generation dying off, i don't see the slightest indication that babylon the great is going to be destroyed anytime soon.
i don't see the slightest indication that babylon the great is going to be destroyed anytime soon. "things can develop overnite" was the company answer.
"With a swift pitch..." was the phrase I heard most often. “You won't even see it coming. Kind of like the airplanes hitting the twin towers. Nobody saw it coming."
Mmm... "swift pitch" and "unexpected" are not really in the same category.
nice enough gentleman.
the parts were pretty watered down.
mom asks him if he is ready.....did he clean off all the dirt?
Message recieved. Dangle the "disfellowship" word over whatever behavior you wish to control.
And did he just insinuate that Armageddon hasn't come because the JWs aren't clean enough yet? Not quite ready? I didn't realize the date and time was fluid.
Nice share, Problem.
for 30 years i never heard one time that christ died for me personally.
i always heard that he died to pay back what adam lost.
that never made alot of sense to me, but i just went along with it as a kid and young adult.. then, after i left... it hit me just how simple the whole thing was.