Posts by Zoos
I Feel So Much More Intelligent Now
by OneFingerSalute inwell i must say that after the serve us meeting tonight i feel so much more intelligent.
almost as if i had four years of college condensed into ten minutes.. that is what was spent going on about how to use the glossary in the back of the "wonderful" new revised bible.
we got a crash course on how to look up the words listed alphabetically.
Now, when the elder finished presenting the material, the effect was that the congregation was astounded at his way of teaching; for he was teaching them as a person having authority, and not as some lowly college professor. -
I hope Armageddon doesn't come before the new Star Wars movie comes out
by Zoos inever had this thought about an upcoming movie?.
and then i would feel guilty for putting my entertainment desires ahead of god's kingdom.. .
Ever had this thought about an upcoming movie?
And then I would feel guilty for putting my entertainment desires ahead of God's kingdom.
Searching for a quote about education
by Zoos inthe watchtower (or awake!
) quoted some secular entity that made the observation that educated people were difficult to manage.
can you please help me find this quote?.
Thanks, Splash. I don't think that's the one but I appreciate your input.
I actually discovered the quote while lurking on this site so I know it's here somewhere. I just can't remember the wording accurately enough to pull it out of the search engine.
Searching for a quote about education
by Zoos inthe watchtower (or awake!
) quoted some secular entity that made the observation that educated people were difficult to manage.
can you please help me find this quote?.
The Watchtower (or Awake!) quoted some secular entity that made the observation that educated people were difficult to manage. Can you please help me find this quote?
Just the fact that a little quip like that would capture the attention of the faithful slave so much that they just HAD to print it, is very telling of where their minds are with regard to education.
by The Searcher inwhatever the outcome of the appeal, i fear that most of us are going to be very disappointed.. a) obviously if the org wins.. b) if the org loses, they will put their plan 'b' into action - damage limitation - which will iinvolve confidentiality agreements being signed by pending/future victims, thereby settling the majority of cases out of court, and winning in several ways;.
there are probably other benefits, but these are the principal ones, and for these reasons i reckon the floodgates will never be allowed to be opened!!!
they've seen how other establishments have responded to their pedophile cases, and have picked up some good tips on how to minimise the effects.
With CBS's (?) request to record the proceedings, I assumed the the media's juices were already flowing. -
Jehovah's Witness Elders Question A Brother For Not Turning In Field Service Time
by Watchtower-Free infound this on youtube.
Losing Faith
by cappytan ini've always been a "spiritual" person.
i've been an avid bible reader since as early as i can remember.
i read the bible cover to cover for the first time when i was about 17 years old and have read it at least twice more since then.
You know, that new covenant included a clause wherein God would "put [His] laws in their mind, and in their hearts [He] shall write them."
We're not bound by the contents of the bible. It's okay to graduate, move on, taking what is useful and leaving what is not. If you keep confining yourself to the pages of a book and the mentality of Religion, Inc you're not leaving any room for God to write anything in your heart.
NEW LIGHT FROM SLO CIRCUIT OVERSEER "Warning, Blood on Doorposts", "The Couple who Missed One Meeting Died With Their Kids, Don't Miss Any!
by Trailer Park Pioneer insorry, i messed up before i could put the right title on this new light from our circuit overseer, his visit show's a great desperation in the organization's mindset, adding more anxiety and guilt to jws who already feel they don't measure up!.
hi, i attended the circuit overseers visit and got really angry because our c.o.
gave information coming from the governing body's chief apologists regarding "meeting attendance" and "the couple who missed one meeting and lost their entire family because they did not get the "411" when armageddon was coming!
Tough luck for the brothers and sister in the other congregation who are home watching TV that night. -
by truthseeker100 ini have a good life and i am now worth around 3 million us.
my two children have their university degrees and a promising future.
what should i do with my money?
You could donate it to the Kingdom Hall fund... or the world wide work... or...
[EDIT]: Just saw what ZORDINO said. Yeah... something like that!
If the Watchtower Society was given a cheque for 1 million dollars would they cash it ?
by Esse quam videri inif the watchtower society received an envelope containing a cheque for 1 million dollars, made out to the society, along with a letter explaining that the money was won from gambling, either casino or lottery, .
1] would they cash it?.
2] if they did not cash it but rather returned to sender, what explanation would they give?.
"In the same way the Israelites gleaned much gold from Egypt prior to their departure, to be used in pure worship to Jehovah, so too God's earthly organization today uses the wealth of Satan's doomed system to support it's work in spreading the good news to all the inhabited earth."
"This money has done the devil's work long enough! NOW it wil do the LORD's work!" - Baptist preacher who received lotto money donation.