Whoever is driving jehovahs chariot, go home, your drunk!
I LOLed for real.
the letter that watchtower free put up was very interesting.
here is my impression.. the watchtower is becoming more and more geared towards idiots.
the midweek meeting has a stupid name, and the parts sound equally dumb.
Whoever is driving jehovahs chariot, go home, your drunk!
I LOLed for real.
its been a couple of weeks since a new c.o.
was appointed to the circuit and im starting to hear tidbits of his talks..
one brother told me that in one of his talks he asked the question; .
Saturday morning field service to be replaced by Saturday morning family study and afternoon construction activities.
Don't let the little people become idle.
i was sitting on a train, across from me was a middle-aged man reading: "knowledge that leads to everlasting life" .
it was in english which is not the native language here.
it was underlined so i figured he was either a foreign jw or a study.
Like we were always taught in the service meetings, "You never know what kind of seeds you may have planted."
Good job!
i think i'm going to be sick.
time to unfollow & block more people... .
OP... You should capitalize on this by ramping up the vomit factor.
Find a pic of the GB and tag it with a line that expresses how seeing the sons of God on JW broadcasting every month make you feel even close to Jehovah.
Really get the man-worship rolling. It might wake up some more minds.
on reddit.. i've been expecting this.. any confirmation?.
They will be worth a fortune to people like us.
hi, i m new here and not so good in english, but ive give it a try and hope you understand.. .
the whole idea of the overlapped generation is not only illogical, there are also serious errors in reasoning and how to interpret the scripture.. .
the only "scriptural argument" that the governing body has managed to bring in this matter is exodus 1: 6 where they say that a "generation" can be stretched to cover a longer period than usually meant by a "generation".
Welcome to the forum. For someone who is "not so good with English" you did a better job than many English-ites.
Nice dissection of the Exodus account. You highlight a point I never caught.
as sometimes happens at elders meetings with the co, he has a letter from the branch to read out.
this rarely is made available later so any policies have to be acted on from memory.
this visit a letter was read about blurring of the genders and in particular brothers dressing in a metrosexual style - tight clothing was mentioned again.
please, who can provide an intelligent rebuttal to the following illustration?
i always thought it was bullet-proof:.
"if your doctor directs you to 'abstain from alcohol' would you be ok to have it injected into your veins rather than drink it?
If you inject alcohol into your veins your body will still recognize it and process it as a food. If you inject blood into your veins your body will recognize it and utilize it as blood - a tissue that transports, among other things, the nutrients from food.
Their analogy makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
left the wts some years ago, but just before i left we were studying the daniel book that they produced in the book study .. i noticed something wrong in the bible account of daniel and brought this up at the end of the study when the conductor asked if everyone understood that nights study,.
i think i may have started a topic here some years ago about this event ,it was a time when i started to question the wts in my heart and mind.the scriptures are lengthy so i will just shorten things by describing the stories in daniel and how one point really got me thinking about things and perhaps made the brothers wierd out about me sand distance themselves ,here it is..........dan ch 1-4. daniels ( who came to be called belteshazzar)in babylon along with shadrach,meshach & abednego ,daniel,after praying with these 3, interprets and states what nebuchadnezzars dream is( we all know this ,the image with the head of gold body of iron and copper etc) and they are rewarded by being positions of authority.
daniel made ruler of the province and chief prefect over babylons wise men ,the 3 were made overseers of the administation of the province ,all very important jobs ,.
And Zoos ......Dan ch4 vs 9 NWT
I know it's in the bible... just not in the Daniel (as in: Pay Attention to Daniel’s Prophecy!
) book.
left the wts some years ago, but just before i left we were studying the daniel book that they produced in the book study .. i noticed something wrong in the bible account of daniel and brought this up at the end of the study when the conductor asked if everyone understood that nights study,.
i think i may have started a topic here some years ago about this event ,it was a time when i started to question the wts in my heart and mind.the scriptures are lengthy so i will just shorten things by describing the stories in daniel and how one point really got me thinking about things and perhaps made the brothers wierd out about me sand distance themselves ,here it is..........dan ch 1-4. daniels ( who came to be called belteshazzar)in babylon along with shadrach,meshach & abednego ,daniel,after praying with these 3, interprets and states what nebuchadnezzars dream is( we all know this ,the image with the head of gold body of iron and copper etc) and they are rewarded by being positions of authority.
daniel made ruler of the province and chief prefect over babylons wise men ,the 3 were made overseers of the administation of the province ,all very important jobs ,.
I went back and read the area in the DANIEL book where it covered this section and no mention of Daniel being referred to as "chief of the magic practicing priests" is made.