the US is one of the most unsafe and dangerous places to live
The religious whacks in this country scare a lot of us... AND THE GUBBERMENT PROTECTS THEM!!!
There is a movement in this country among fundamentalist Christians to "take back" the government and return America to her god-given, god-ordained glory. To speak with one of these fanatics (and regrettably I work with a few) you get the sense that they are no more capable of separating God from the American dirt we live on than Jehovah's Witnesses are able to separate God from the organization they bow to.
It's American fascism brewing... perhaps boiling, and it's going to come to a head eventually. It's SCARY!
That extremist Christian churches have back rooms for "adjusting" dissenters is no surprise to me, given the mentality I witness in these people all the time. They have an "our way or death" political/religious mindset that is being fostered by, among other things, elements of conservative talk radio personalities (Rush Limbaugh and his ilk). In my area there are two 2-hour radio shows just like the Limbaugh program directly preceding the Limbaugh show. A steady diet of god hates fags, god hates liberals, god hates atheists, god loves conservatives, god loves America - but only if we get rid of the liberals... and they all promote a TAKE NO PRISONERS AND MAKE NO APOLOGIES attitude.
These people are out for blood and they are making the U.S. one of the most unsafe and dangerous places to live.