Wait jut a damn minute....... I DON'T SUPPORT FOOTBALL.
Posts by Zoos
i'm leaving this site forever
by stan livedeath inas the title says--i'm out of here for good.. the site is full of atheists, communists, 7th day adventists, creationists, believers, deceivers, receivers, football supporters,.
dodgy types, cantleave---and assorted wankers.. so no place for me--because i'm none of the above so dont fit in.
so--this is goodbye forever my friends--its been almost average knowing you.
Are gays really condemned in the Bible?
by jws inso i was having this argument with a friend about the westboro baptist idiots.
my point is that while they are horrible people, they are pretty much right in that the bible is against gays because it has verses in both the old and the new testament.
which is one of many reasons to reject the bible as merely man-made rules from ancient middle-easterners.. and she argued that there are problems in translation, etc.
Is wife beginning to turn around?
by StarTrekAngel inso some may have read the long and boring post about our last vacation and some of the things that my wife came to tell me during our time away.
i am adding the link here but i can summarize it for time's sake.. https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5768475763015680/vacation-time-reality-closing-up-on-my-wife.
in a nutshell, right before we left, we found out of a jw couple we know well.
She still claim some good is there and I agree but I told her that whatever good is there is only meant to support the bad, not to help anyone.
There's some good in all religions. So? What sets the Watchtower above anything else on the street?
Good luck.
JWs anti gay video reaches over 1,000,000 views on youtube
by alanv inthe anti gay video that watchtower recently produced has now had over 1,000,000 views.
of those who selected to like or dislike the video, over 92% disliked it.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnk52bu92oe.
JWs contribute to creating the motive that inspires homophobic hate crimes.
All of Christianity does.
God does not desire any to be destroyed?
by stuckinarut2 inso if the idea is promoted that god doesn't want anyone to be destroyed, why does he make it so confusing for people to learn about him?.
why are there thousands of differing religions?.
why has "his only true organisation" even taught so many varying doctrines?.
The reasoning from the Watchtower organization is that if a person has the right heart condition, Jehovah will direct that individual to his earthly organization. All the confusion of religion will be lifted from his/her eyes because God will have "drawn that one to Him." In this way He demonstrates that He wishes no one to be destroyed.
Jehovah's loves each and every one of... *hack* ... us and sends His servants out into the world to do the separating wor.... *choke*.... k so that we all have a chance to turn our wicked ways around.... *gag* .... and follow the governing body to salvation.
* excuse me while I reach for a tissue *
Moral indignation against "faders" shows JW apologists are morally bankrupt
by slimboyfat ini came across this weird blog that castigates fading jws for their "cowardice" and "hypocrisy" for not making themselves vulnerable to shunning.
apparently in the view of this blogger jws who discover it's not the truth are morally obliged to play by the watchtower rules and face the consequences of shunning.. http://jwresearchblog.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/fading-faking-and-lying-as-unbelieving.html#comment-form.
what is absent from the blog post is any discussion of the statement in the july 2009 awake!, that no one should be made to choose between their beliefs and their family.
His friends quickly abandoned him, his family cut ties with him, and his neighbors even set fire to his crops. But the young man never relented in publicly declaring what he thought to be true, even in the face of loss and persecution.
They are using an example of what they feel is unwarranted abandonment due to their new found beliefs as a way of justifying their own abandonment of family and friends who have new found beliefs?Because others have done it to Jehovah's Witnesses, people who leave the JWs should suck it up and accept the very same thing.
THAT'S their logic?
Don't believe anyone is up there listening - said a prayer anyway out of sense of obligation
by Zoos ini've read many statements on this forum from people who have expressed the sentiment that you don't shove ttatt down the throat of an older person.
it would be too traumatic and its best to let some people, in some situations, simply pass on in the delusion.. its humane.
merciful.. in the initial roar of my awakening, i was unable to cuddle up to that sentiment; preferring, instead, to shove the blood curdling shock of truth down the throat of anyone i could get my grip on... age be dammed.
Honestly, I was bracing myself for an onslaught of negative feedback for caving in.
Thank you for the positive comments. It was uncomfortable enough doing the deed. I feel a lot better now.
Don't believe anyone is up there listening - said a prayer anyway out of sense of obligation
by Zoos ini've read many statements on this forum from people who have expressed the sentiment that you don't shove ttatt down the throat of an older person.
it would be too traumatic and its best to let some people, in some situations, simply pass on in the delusion.. its humane.
merciful.. in the initial roar of my awakening, i was unable to cuddle up to that sentiment; preferring, instead, to shove the blood curdling shock of truth down the throat of anyone i could get my grip on... age be dammed.
I've read many statements on this forum from people who have expressed the sentiment that you don't shove TTATT down the throat of an older person. It would be too traumatic and its best to let some people, in some situations, simply pass on in the delusion.
Its humane. Merciful.
In the initial roar of my awakening, I was unable to cuddle up to that sentiment; preferring, instead, to shove the blood curdling shock of TRUTH down the throat of anyone I could get my grip on... age be dammed.
Until tonight.
Upon my arrival at TTATT, one person, an old retired Baptist preacher, in genuine kindness, tenderly embraced me and offered to help. He was the father of a fellow (since passed away) that I used to date. Old man preacher never approved of my gay relationship with his son, but always treated me with respect. Now, 15 years later, preacher dude is on his last leg. He has had 3 strokes, the last one rendered him blind. He's 77 and giving up.
I sat as his table this evening and shared a meal. Reminding me that he was blind, he told me he had counted up to 23 ways to put his underwear on incorrectly. Always the comic. Mostly, though, the life has gone out of this man who was once ready to jokingly insult me, or tell a really stupid story, usually with himself as the butt of the joke.
He asked me to say grace before we ate.
My journey from die-hard JW to this evening has rendered me without faith in anyone up there listening, but I decided to recite a few lines from the old database anyway. I felt okay with that because the old man preacher will sleep well tonight knowing (believing) I'm okay with Jeezuz.
Lurking JWs, if you're to love Jesus more than family, does it make sense to withhold family to coerce persons to return to Jesus?
by Island Man injesus said that his true disciples would love him more than family.
(matthew 10:37) therefore, ex-jws worthy of reinstatement should be returning because they love jesus more than family - not because of wanting to restore family association.
if they truly love jesus more than family they would still return despite their family continuing to communicate with them, because they will value their relationship with jesus as a prize to be attained above and beyond their relationship with their family.
Coercive tactics are necessary in a spiritual void.
But we don't call it coercive, we call it Jehovah's arrangement.
Elder who taught at private school for JWs accused of abuse
by Robo Bobo inhttp://www.presstelegram.com/article/lb/20160630/news/160639983.
note: southwestern longview was a private school that catered to witness children.
buena park – a south carolina man who worked as a teacher at a private school in long beach a decade ago has been arrested by buena park police officers on suspicion of the “continuous sexual abuse of a child” who was a student of his, authorities said today.. jason gorski of fort mill, 43, was arrested on june 21, said buena park police sgt.
I wonder if he got a glowing letter of recommendation from his previous hall when he moved to SC.