Did insulting Beck make you feel any better about your pathetic self?
Go back to that blow-up doll, before the plastic starts to get hard.
my jw mother used to peel the cross off the hot cross buns at easter time...she said it was her way of compromising...so that we werent partaking of anything pagan.
did anyone have parents like mine...or am i the only one??
what was your understanding of easter eggs and hot cross buns at easter time?
Did insulting Beck make you feel any better about your pathetic self?
Go back to that blow-up doll, before the plastic starts to get hard.
dear friends of reproductive freedom,.
george w bush and his right-wings friends are quietly pursuing their domestic agenda while the nations attention is focused on international terrorism.. bush's attacks on women's reproductive freedom continue.. examples;.
1. on his first day in the oval office,bush re-instated the global gag rule,which takes family planning funds from organizations that even mention the option of abortion to their patients,risking womens lives overseas.. 2. bush has promised to re-visit the food and drug administration's approval of ru-486.and anti-abortion forces in congress have already introduced a bill to limit it's availability.. 3. with the expected retirement of 3 supreme court justices ,including sandra day o'connor,who is often the critical swing vote on abortion rights issue,bush has made it clear that he will nominate the most adamant opponents of abortion and civil rights.. the bush administration is committed to strategies that limit life saving stem cell research,criminalize abortion providers,reduce the availability of birth control and deny funding of health reproduction education in the schools.. what better way to take on the christian coalition and ultra-right leaders and movements,than to use your voice to speak up now!!.
144, if you're so worried about this big population explosion and really want to do something about go kill yourself. Its your choice, right? Hey, at least that a CHOICE that you'd be able to make yourself. I have a feeling you'd be rather upset if someone wanted to make that choice for you.
Killing myself wouldn't help the free thinkers in this world defeat the fucking assholes like yourself who wish to impose their version of morality on others. Go back to the meetings, you seem like someone who would enjoy the progamming.
The US Supreme Court has not defined a fetus as a human being. Abortion is not murder, and would have been an excellent choice for your mother after she made the mistake that resulted in you.
Your references to women as "cold hearted bitches" lack foundation; how would you know whether any woman was a "cold hearted bitch" since you've probably never had anything other than your hands or a blow up doll?
Narrow minded? You have no fucking mind to begin with. Your just the gristle of life, the fecal matter at the bottom of the outhouse pile. Lick your lips and taste the flavor of the shit that keeps spewing therefrom. It's probably not as vile as your comments on this board.
I don't need to be forgiven.Can't think for yourself, so you have to quote others. More evidence of your intellect, or lack thereof.
i raised this briefly in chat earlier today and i expect a similar response to this thread.. my opinion is that if you are religious/spiritual then you are mentally ill.
Res ipsa loquitur - Latin phrase meaning "the thing speaks for itself."
Hey Britboy,
I'm very happy to hear your test was negative and that your stressful waiting period is over.
Yoyomama, I guess you think that calling someone's lifestyle unnatural isn't a direct attack. I've always believed that those who condemn/attack homosexuals have latent homosexual tendencies. Come out of the closet, you'll feel better about yourself.
i raised this briefly in chat earlier today and i expect a similar response to this thread.. my opinion is that if you are religious/spiritual then you are mentally ill.
Since there's no way to determine the validity of religious belief until after we've entered our graves, labeling a religious person as mentally ill solely on the basis of their belief in religion isn't any different than a religious person labeling an atheist as mentally ill because of their lack of belief in god.
I personally think that your labeling of religious folks as "mentally ill," simply because you don't happen to share their beliefs, puts you in the same class as Jehovahs Witnesses who condemn others for not believing as they do.
For the record, I am a variation of an agnostic; I believe in a superior being, but I don't believe that being wanted us to know its true nature, otherwise he/she/it would have made it crystal clear to us. Nevertheless, I also acknowledge that my beliefs are no more valid than anyone else's.
I hope that someday you'll learn humility and how to respect diversity of beliefs.
dear friends of reproductive freedom,.
george w bush and his right-wings friends are quietly pursuing their domestic agenda while the nations attention is focused on international terrorism.. bush's attacks on women's reproductive freedom continue.. examples;.
1. on his first day in the oval office,bush re-instated the global gag rule,which takes family planning funds from organizations that even mention the option of abortion to their patients,risking womens lives overseas.. 2. bush has promised to re-visit the food and drug administration's approval of ru-486.and anti-abortion forces in congress have already introduced a bill to limit it's availability.. 3. with the expected retirement of 3 supreme court justices ,including sandra day o'connor,who is often the critical swing vote on abortion rights issue,bush has made it clear that he will nominate the most adamant opponents of abortion and civil rights.. the bush administration is committed to strategies that limit life saving stem cell research,criminalize abortion providers,reduce the availability of birth control and deny funding of health reproduction education in the schools.. what better way to take on the christian coalition and ultra-right leaders and movements,than to use your voice to speak up now!!.
You didn't call Madonna a hypocrite, you alleged that she is "the biggest slut in the entertainment business" and blamed her for "many young girls having unwanted pregnancies."
Witnesses utilize similar tactics; when someone exposes the fallacy of their claims, they rewrite the history of what they claimed.
Madonna may not conform to your conception of a good person, but that doesn't mean she is responsible for "many young girls having unwanted pregnancies," nor does it mean she is "the biggest slut in the entertainment business." The first of these allegations is ridiculous, and the second is libelous. Quit while you're ahead.
what i am talking about a movie that you thought was great, but is mostly forgotten by most people today.. well, my favorite overlooked movie is "a perfect world.
" in it kevin costner is an escaped felon who escapes from prison with another felon.
they then break into a house and kidnap a boy who is a (gasp!
The Evil Dead parts I and II are classics, as are Dawn of the Dead, the Hellraiser series, and the first couple of Texas Chainsaw Massacre flicks.
Don't overlook the Devil in Miss Jones part II (Dark Bros).
dear friends of reproductive freedom,.
george w bush and his right-wings friends are quietly pursuing their domestic agenda while the nations attention is focused on international terrorism.. bush's attacks on women's reproductive freedom continue.. examples;.
1. on his first day in the oval office,bush re-instated the global gag rule,which takes family planning funds from organizations that even mention the option of abortion to their patients,risking womens lives overseas.. 2. bush has promised to re-visit the food and drug administration's approval of ru-486.and anti-abortion forces in congress have already introduced a bill to limit it's availability.. 3. with the expected retirement of 3 supreme court justices ,including sandra day o'connor,who is often the critical swing vote on abortion rights issue,bush has made it clear that he will nominate the most adamant opponents of abortion and civil rights.. the bush administration is committed to strategies that limit life saving stem cell research,criminalize abortion providers,reduce the availability of birth control and deny funding of health reproduction education in the schools.. what better way to take on the christian coalition and ultra-right leaders and movements,than to use your voice to speak up now!!.
MADonna is the biggest slut in the entertainment business that there is. Her example I'm sure is responsible for many young girls having unwanted pregnancies, and yet she said on Larry King live that she won't let her little girl "Lourdes" watch "Barney" because she doesn't want her to be corrupted by this kiddy show. She is evil!
This libelous statement about Madonna is both unnecessary and untrue. First, you have no basis for labeling Madonna a slut, unless you've been stalking her and know her personal business. Gossip magazines do not provide sufficient basis for such a conclusion. Secondly, I find it hard to believe that Madonna's risque clothing and performances are the cause of unwanted pregnancies for many young girls. Many factors are responsible for unwanted pregnancies, including without limitation the teaching of abstinence instead of contraception, puritanical values in this country that inhibit the dissemination of family planning information and services, peer pressure from young men and women who tend to be very sexually active, etc. Accordingly, your attribution of blame for unwanted pregnancies to Madonna is devoid of merit. Finally, as to your opinion that Madonna is "evil," let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
You might have left the org, but it appears the org hasn't left you.
dear friends of reproductive freedom,.
george w bush and his right-wings friends are quietly pursuing their domestic agenda while the nations attention is focused on international terrorism.. bush's attacks on women's reproductive freedom continue.. examples;.
1. on his first day in the oval office,bush re-instated the global gag rule,which takes family planning funds from organizations that even mention the option of abortion to their patients,risking womens lives overseas.. 2. bush has promised to re-visit the food and drug administration's approval of ru-486.and anti-abortion forces in congress have already introduced a bill to limit it's availability.. 3. with the expected retirement of 3 supreme court justices ,including sandra day o'connor,who is often the critical swing vote on abortion rights issue,bush has made it clear that he will nominate the most adamant opponents of abortion and civil rights.. the bush administration is committed to strategies that limit life saving stem cell research,criminalize abortion providers,reduce the availability of birth control and deny funding of health reproduction education in the schools.. what better way to take on the christian coalition and ultra-right leaders and movements,than to use your voice to speak up now!!.
Population pressure is no sociological artifact. I find it interesting that you seem to have interpreted my posts to mean that I am concerned with the effects of the population explosion on the food supply.
Exponential population growth does indeed threaten more famine, not due to lack of food resources, but due to greed. Nevertheless, the ill effects of the population explosion is not limited to the food supply. Plants and animals are endangered and threatened with extinction due to the elimination of their natural habitat caused by the uncontrolled expansion of human population. The need for energy and water is also intensified by the population explosion, and foolish politicians in this country respond to that need with a push to expand the use of nuclear power, resulting in additional pollution issues. Overpopulation has also resulted in dangerous levels of pollution of our air, water, and land.
To assert that population pressure is merely a social artifact ignores a serious problem and is analogous to burying one's head in the sand.
10:14 is undeniable evidence that jws do not follow what jesus advocates.
"if anyone does not receive you or listen to what you have to say, leave that house or town, and once outside shake its dust from your feet.
It's about buying and selling books and magazines for the benefi[t] of a religious printing Corporation which offers fake salvation in return.In addition to buy and selling books and magazines, it's also about contributions! What cult could exist without 'em?