Got an extra copy of that Watchtower? I ran out of toilet paper.
JoinedPosts by 144thousand_and_one
How to reason with a rapist.
by flower in(title modified per request).
and to think, i thought i was valuing my precious gift of life so much that i was willing to sumbit to a violent crime in order stay alive.
how twisted my thinking.
My Experience Today with My Brother
by Reborn2002 inwell, my brother and his wife came over to my parent's house to visit today while i was home.. to make a long story short, while my brother and his wife were chatting with my mother in the living room, my 1 and a half year old nephew reilly walked into the kitchen where i was making a caesar salad.. he walked over towards me and was smiling, how can any normal adult resist the innocent smile of a child who is your relative?
i picked him up and gave him a huge hug, and told him i loved him.. as i was holding my nephew in my arms, my brother walked into the room.
he was smack dab in the middle of an in-depth conversation about jehovah with my mother and his wife, and i admit i was rolling my eyes listening to him spew about the "truth" and "the only means for salvation in the last days of this wicked system" even though when i confronted him with info on the un, blood, russell gravesite, rape changes, exclusivity, etc, he had no response for me because he was dumbfounded and lost for words.
I hate to say it, Jason, but if he were my brother, I would've done the same thing, except that when the kid wasn't around, I would have taught him a lesson in familial respect.
Hang in there Jason, as your nephew grows older, he'll likely contact you to help him escape from the miserable upbringing your brother is likely to give him as a result of his cult membership. I know, because I contacted my uncle for help in dealing with my parents and their cult. He was always there for me and my father had no choice but to deal with it.
Don't let your weak-minded brother win. Make yourself available to your nephew at every opportunity, and disregard the vitriole that spews from your brother's mouth. Your nephew will love you for it, and your brother, at some point, will have to deal with a son that loves his uncle more than his dad.
by You Know inseveral enemies of the watchtower have ebulliently expressed the sentiment: let the games begin.
indeed, i too share that desire to let the games begin, so-to-speak.
but, what exactly are we to expect when once the games commence?
[RE: JWS DYING OVER BLOOD ISSUE] Standing up for ones beliefs, and dying if necessary, is not tragic at all. It is a victory for the faith. / You Know
So, your cult considers it a victory when its members die needlessly as a result of an inconsistent and ridiculous policy? Get to the KoolAid stand, I think there's some cherry cyanide flavor waiting just for you.
by You Know inseveral enemies of the watchtower have ebulliently expressed the sentiment: let the games begin.
indeed, i too share that desire to let the games begin, so-to-speak.
but, what exactly are we to expect when once the games commence?
What are you advocating, that volunteeers get paid? - - You Know
A volunteer is not someone who acts under the threat of a severe beating. I guess you would probably have called Kunta Kinte a volunteer also.
Oh, brother. Another whining generation Xer. LOL
Fortunately, I'm not related to you, so don't refer to me as your "brother." Save that for your fellow cult members.As for your "LOL" in regards to child abuse, child abuse is no laughing matter. You must be a real sicko. Do you have any kids, and if so, do you beat them? If your answer is in the affirmative, I hope some day they grow up to beat you to a pulp and use your grave as a toilet.
I see you have no answer for the inconsistency in the blood policy. Keep on following your illogical and foolish cult, all the way to kingdumb hell.
by You Know inseveral enemies of the watchtower have ebulliently expressed the sentiment: let the games begin.
indeed, i too share that desire to let the games begin, so-to-speak.
but, what exactly are we to expect when once the games commence?
That's just plain silly.
Silly? I think a more appropriate characterization would be "tragic." It's tragic that your cult encourages parents to force their children into performing uncompensated labor on its behalf (i.e. "going out in service"). It's tragic that your cult encourages parents to beat their children (e.g., "spare the rod, spoil the child." Beatings were permitted to occur on Kingdom Hall property). It's also extremely tragic that many folks have given their lives due to a blood policy that is illogical and inconsistent (e.g., blood transfusions forbidden, organ tranplants ok, but organ tranplants can be done without the inclusion of some of the donor's blood).
The only thing that is silly is your continued advocacy of this cult. If they ask you to drink the poisoned fruit punch, will you do that too?
by You Know inseveral enemies of the watchtower have ebulliently expressed the sentiment: let the games begin.
indeed, i too share that desire to let the games begin, so-to-speak.
but, what exactly are we to expect when once the games commence?
Talk it over with your own congregation elders and C.O. That's what I did. They were somewhat disturbed initially, but when I explained things, and the fact that they know me, they came to understand better why I do what I do. - - You Know
I guess they understand because they are also members of a cult that encourages child abuse and exploitation as well as the shunning of folks who receive life-saving blood transfusions. Maybe you can let the rest of us know your reasons for not only being a member of this cult, but also why you advocate it in public forums. Do you approve of the exploitation and abuse of children that is encouraged by the freaks that run your cult?
Can you say "Schibolet?"
by LDH inso, who is our new poster, schibolet, and what is his or her agenda?.
let's review some quotes:.
[SCHIBOLET IN RE: LDH'S POST] This does not surprise me one bit. Of course you are going to ignore what you don't want to hear.
At least Lisa has the OPTION of choosing to ignore whatever she doesn't want to hear, unlike the Jehovah's Witnesses, who have those decisions made for them by a few geezers in New York.
Looks like I'm more open minded than you...Could that be possible? Oh no not for a JW, why? because apostates said so, that's why. Apostates are all knowing. They know more than Jehovah, in fact they probably think they can teach him a few things...LOL Gal 6:7
An open-minded Jehovah's Witness? That's an oxymoron. Apostates certainly don't know more than god, but we are certainly much better informed than fools who follow the edicts of a corporate cult known for encouraging the exploitation of children and child abuse, as well as for shunning those who receive life-saving blood transfusions.Lisa: Thank you very much for your effort in exposing this "newbie."
Shitolet: Welcome to the real world, where people aren't as easily fooled as the "sheep" you're accustomed to.
Are ex-jw who are angry potential . . .
by mystikool init seems that there is much anger on this place.
in my country we do not understand the manifestation of hostility manifested on a public board.
if some of these people do not calm down, they might be next terrorists in news.
Hello, Mystikool. Greetings from one mystic (Master Adept) to another.
Mystic? I think the appropriate term is "jackass."
Are ex-jw who are angry potential . . .
by mystikool init seems that there is much anger on this place.
in my country we do not understand the manifestation of hostility manifested on a public board.
if some of these people do not calm down, they might be next terrorists in news.
In my country we do not understand the manifestation of hostility manifested on a public board.
In your country, do people understand that an organization that encourages the abuse and exploitation of children and the shunning of folks who receive life-saving blood transfusions is responsible for and deserving of all the hostility you're so concerned with?
If some of these people do not calm down, they might be next terrorists in news.
Many folks are capable of becoming terrorists, including folks who think they can fool others as to their identity and/or agenda in posting on this board. In my opinion, you're just another JW trying to defend the undefendable, by attacking others personally and attempting to discredit them by associating them with something as despicable as terrorism. Instead, why don't we focus on the WTS' despicable practice of encouraging parents to compel their children to perform uncompensated marketing services on its behalf and its encouragement of physical abuse of children (i.e. "spare the rod, spoil the child").Take your concerns with you back to the kingdumb hell.
by You Know inseveral enemies of the watchtower have ebulliently expressed the sentiment: let the games begin.
indeed, i too share that desire to let the games begin, so-to-speak.
but, what exactly are we to expect when once the games commence?
According to your warped thinking the state is guilty of exploiting children because they require attendance at school. Actually, your thinking is even more demented than that. You are saying that parents have no legal right to train their children as they see fit. Are you a neo-Nazi perhaps? / You Know
You Know,
Your fallacious reasoning is illustrated here by your use of false analogy. First, the state does indeed require attendance at school (or home schooling), but the state never requires children to perform uncompensated labor on its behalf (i.e. marketing services, "going out in service"). Parents who heed the message of the WTS are requiring their children to perform labor (i.e. marketing functions - "going out in service"), on behalf of your manipulative cult. These situations are clearly not analogous, notwithstanding your ignorant attempt to present them as such.
Your response reveals another weak debate tactic. If you can't win the debate, create your own modification to the opponent's stance on the issue and argue against the falsely characterized message of your opponent. Where have I ever said or implied that "parents have no legal right to train their children as they see fit?" Witness children are not being "trained," they are being exploited and abused for the benefit of a corporation cult.
You're calling me a neo-Nazi? Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? Your cult is a bastion of fascism, replete with secret judicial committees that sit in judgment of the personal lives of cult members, elders to enforce the rules, and unjustified beatings for children.
It's time to wake up, You Know, and smell the dogshit on your shoes.