According to your warped thinking the state is guilty of exploiting children because they require attendance at school. Actually, your thinking is even more demented than that. You are saying that parents have no legal right to train their children as they see fit. Are you a neo-Nazi perhaps? / You Know
You Know,
Your fallacious reasoning is illustrated here by your use of false analogy. First, the state does indeed require attendance at school (or home schooling), but the state never requires children to perform uncompensated labor on its behalf (i.e. marketing services, "going out in service"). Parents who heed the message of the WTS are requiring their children to perform labor (i.e. marketing functions - "going out in service"), on behalf of your manipulative cult. These situations are clearly not analogous, notwithstanding your ignorant attempt to present them as such.
Your response reveals another weak debate tactic. If you can't win the debate, create your own modification to the opponent's stance on the issue and argue against the falsely characterized message of your opponent. Where have I ever said or implied that "parents have no legal right to train their children as they see fit?" Witness children are not being "trained," they are being exploited and abused for the benefit of a corporation cult.
You're calling me a neo-Nazi? Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? Your cult is a bastion of fascism, replete with secret judicial committees that sit in judgment of the personal lives of cult members, elders to enforce the rules, and unjustified beatings for children.
It's time to wake up, You Know, and smell the dogshit on your shoes.