Hmmm . . . what are the measurements of this "governing" body?
JoinedPosts by 144thousand_and_one
km 12/02: Don't send eMails to the GB !!!
by GermanXJW inthe german kingdom ministry for december 2002 contains an announcement not to send emails to the headquarters or to the gb.. do foreign editions contain this announcement as well?
Fish could be hazardous to your health...
by MegaDude infrom the article.
"tuna is the most consumed fish in the country," bender says.
"if you're a pregnant woman and you eat over two cans of tuna per week, you can go over" safe levels of mercury.
Damn good reason to go vegan; but then again, bring on the mercury!
Why Are the Democrats So Evil?
by cellomould ingeorge bush took advantage of your fears of 'big government' to get into office.... are the democrats proponents of 'big government'?
do they love in-your-face politics?
do they want to give all of your hard-earned money away to good-for-nothing slobs?.
Hey brother Farkel,
It is a real shame that most people don't see the world as clearly as you and I do. The world would be a far better place if they did. What a pity.--larcAre your cataracts amber or green, brother larc?
Why Dinosaurs Vanished
by metatron inwhy did dinosaurs vanish?.
they were overweight..
OK, LDH, I concede, you're right, I'm wrong, but do I have to be "dead" wrong? Life's not that great, but I'm in no rush to die.
Why Dinosaurs Vanished
by metatron inwhy did dinosaurs vanish?.
they were overweight..
The dinosaurs vanished because the Watchtower rounded them all up and pasted them in the inside covers of their version of the bible, the NWT.
Why Are the Democrats So Evil?
by cellomould ingeorge bush took advantage of your fears of 'big government' to get into office.... are the democrats proponents of 'big government'?
do they love in-your-face politics?
do they want to give all of your hard-earned money away to good-for-nothing slobs?.
I laugh at the notion that Republicans are somehow more fiscally responsible than Democrats. Under Reagan, the national debt was quadrupled. Under Clinton, we had a balanced budget. Under Bush, we have again begun increasing the debt and no longer have a balanced budget. To top that off, Bush is now rushing to attack Iraq to divert attention from his own failed domestic policies and scandals, including, without limitation, accepting over $1 million in campaign contributions from Enron and apparently giving them special favors, corporate scandals rampant and out of control, and the absolute rape of the Constitution by his hired gun, John Ashcroft. The big difference between the two parties is how they spend, as opposed to how much they spend. Republicans believe in corporate welfare, subsidies for congressional friends, etc.. Democrats believe in social programs to help the poor and less fortunate. The idea that Republicans are superior in a fiscal sense is pure bullsh@t. We weren't in a recession when Bill was president, but the economy went to hell as soon as the village idiot took power.
Francois, I can't help but laugh at the notion of Democrats taking away rights. It is the Republicans who have savagely attacked the bill of rights through such Supreme Court nominations as Rehnquist, Scalia, and Thomas. These three extremists are gutting what rights we have left, and they coincidentally appointed dubya as our leader. Have you noticed the absolute rape of the Constitution perpetrated by Attorney General John Ashcroft? Using the fear of terrorism, Ashcroft and his fascist minions have savagely attacked constitutional rights, including without limitation, the right to counsel, the right to a speedy trial, and the 4th Amendment right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures.
Using the greatly embellished threat of terrorism, we are now poised to attack Iraq, but none of our allies except the redcoats are willing help out. The cost of such an attack is estimated to be over $200 billion. Where is this money going to come from? You guessed it right, the taxpayers, the same folks that some here seem to think are being fiscally protected by Republican rule. Dubya needs that war on Iraq for his reelection, because he's certainly failed in his domestic policy efforts. Too bad our economy will be the real loser.
Edited by - 144thousand_and_one on 25 September 2002 19:0:51
Who else went sex crazy?
by buffy inok, question for all the non dubs.
am i the only one who went totally wild (sexually) when i got df'd?
well, i actually went wild when i turned 21 and became inactive.
I do not consider myself a fool for waiting on Jehovah. - SquidofJah
Hey Squidlips,
Keep waiting for Jehovah and watch your life waste away as another pawn of the corporation cult. You think you have the "truth," but what you have is a delusion, and a corporation willing to exploit your mental illness for it's monetary gain.
Brother got thrown in jail
by TTBoy ini wasn't sure where to post this, no reply posts are necessary.
i guess i just needed to vent, get it out of my system.
since i can't talk to my family because they are jw i need some outlet.
Sorry to hear it; good luck to you and your family.
Edited by - 144thousand_and_one on 20 September 2002 18:43:0
Edited by - 144thousand_and_one on 20 September 2002 18:45:6
Caught on Tape Beating Child
by plmkrzy infor some reason my real one player isn't showing the video so i don't know if it's my player or a problem w/the link.
anyway i saw this on the news last night and again this morning.
there is no telling where this woman is but somebody from somewhere must know who she is and i would think turn her in.
I hope the inmates she'll soon be spending time with deliver some prison justice to that b@#ch!
WOW it went over most peoples head !! Anyhum, EMAN did i prove my point to you here ???? - - bathory
You choose to disparage others to prove a point to Eman? You're a troll, and you ought to be kicked off this board!
Edited by - 144thousand_and_one on 20 September 2002 14:6:33