Walter, can you imagine? This town will be absolutley crazy!! Imagine the size of the parade.
I think they would give everyone a week off work to celebrate
can you see the headlines?
toronto maple leafs win stanley cup!!!!!.
yonge st. will be closed after the all night victory bash, the first such bash since 1967!
Walter, can you imagine? This town will be absolutley crazy!! Imagine the size of the parade.
I think they would give everyone a week off work to celebrate
can you see the headlines?
toronto maple leafs win stanley cup!!!!!.
yonge st. will be closed after the all night victory bash, the first such bash since 1967!
TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS WIN STANLEY CUP!!!!!I at this time ( which will be this year ) will be as giddy as a school girl. I will have a perm-smile on my face. I will kiss and hug everyone I see. I will not sleep for 3 months. I will wear my maple leaf jersey for 1 whole year. I will buy every leaf fan on this board a round of beers. I will be very very very happy. I will be fullfilled. I can now die, there will be nothing left to live for.
(sing to the tune of the "sound of music"
good return visits and good bible studies;.
fruitful long hours with my service buddies; .
When the dog bites; When the door slams; When I'm told "get lost
I finally get to be the person doing this instead of having this done to me - I can't wait!!!
in general, after nearly forty years in the "truth", i conclude that most witnesses are no prize as friends.. there are several reasons why:.
their "love" is often very conditional and qualified - sort of a "i'll be your friend as long as you count time and attend meetings" situation.. they are often so busy with theocratic busywork ( field service, meetings) that they have little time left for anything .
creative or interesting, like a real hobby.
Put it this way, a former "friend" of mine said to me. " Micheal, as long as you attend meetings you will always be my friend."
Wow what a hallmark moment.
What the hell is that all about?!!!
i believe that many religions try to make their adherents feel guilt.
and of course, the witnesses are no different and imo, are more guilty than most.
people go to a meeting during a snowstorm because the elders feel it's not that bad.
I felt guilty if I didn't comment
I felt guilty if I sped past a brother I knew on the way to the convention
I felt guilty if I didn't stay long after the meeting associating
I felt guilty if I didn't get my time in when I pioneered
I felt guilty if I didn't study my watchtower
No wonder so many jw's are on meds.
in general, after nearly forty years in the "truth", i conclude that most witnesses are no prize as friends.. there are several reasons why:.
their "love" is often very conditional and qualified - sort of a "i'll be your friend as long as you count time and attend meetings" situation.. they are often so busy with theocratic busywork ( field service, meetings) that they have little time left for anything .
creative or interesting, like a real hobby.
As long as someone calls themselves a jehovah's witness, they will be so brainwashed and indoctrinated to the jw belief system that even though they don't know it, they will never have real friends.
i can't believe it, but i was just checking, but i've been here: 1 year.. wow!.
great site.
Congrats Ray - your one good guy!!
part of the watchtower's response to theodicy -- the problem of why an omniscient, all-loving god would allow evil -- is that adam and eve were given free will and chose to exercise their right to disobey god, hence bringing sin, evil and death into the world through their genes (of course the genome has been mapped and no evidence whatosever for that idea is established, but i digress).
let's look at this problem of evil a little more closely.
a common objection to the jws is "why didn't god just create adam and eve so that they would not sin and, hence, there would be no evil?
Well, the Genesis account interpreted a certain way does at least.
I guess the only way I've been taught.
part of the watchtower's response to theodicy -- the problem of why an omniscient, all-loving god would allow evil -- is that adam and eve were given free will and chose to exercise their right to disobey god, hence bringing sin, evil and death into the world through their genes (of course the genome has been mapped and no evidence whatosever for that idea is established, but i digress).
let's look at this problem of evil a little more closely.
a common objection to the jws is "why didn't god just create adam and eve so that they would not sin and, hence, there would be no evil?
Great point Bradley, I will use this one.
That Genesis account has more holes in it than 7 year old underwear
as the saying goes, "you only live once".
with that, after being a witness for 15 years it was just time to move on to something else.. .
yes i believe the witnesses do not have the ultimate truth as they believe they do, which helped in my decision to move on.
You're a good guy and you shouldn't be treated that way. No one should.I'm really impressed by the way you're handling all of this.
Thanks Carrie, that's very nice of you to say . 2003 is a year that will go down for the ages, I'm very glad it's over.
P.S. You seem like a good person yourself.