They switched off the life support.
there's an interesting medicolegal issue arising out of tx, a pregnant women who suffered a pulmonary embolism in november and died (when she was 14 weeks pregnant).. however, the body has been kept on life-support all this time (against her and her husband's wishes), due to an ambiguous tx state law (tex hs.
code ann.
166.049) which actually blocks the ability of the patient and family to decide:.
They switched off the life support.
just saw this... definately worth a few laughs.
Nice guy...
Prince is out to sue 22 Facebook users $1m EACH for posting decades-old live performances online.
imagine a world where being "gay" the norm & being "straight" would be the minority!
[short film].. .
(by Matt Slick)
Harm is a relative term. What might be considered harmful to one person might not to another. There are different kinds of harm: physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, etc. Therefore, harm is a personal thing that is experienced and is a bit subjective. So, when we ask how gay marriage harms anyone, we have to look at more than just one aspect.
Marriage has been universally acknowledged throughout history as a legal contract between a man and a woman in which there is emotional and sexual fidelity, along with childrearing. But homosexual marriage would change this. Since marriage is also a moral issue, redefining marriage is redefining morals. Furthermore, marriage is an extremely wide-spread practice within any society and has many legal and moral issues attached to it. So, when marriage is redefined, the society is dramatically affected. Legalizing gay marriage means changing the laws of the land. The ramifications are vast and we are seeing the effects of homosexual legal "rights" affecting housing, education, the work place, medicine, the armed forces, adoption, religion, etc. Are all the changes good? That is hotly debated. But we have to ask, is it morally right to force all of society to adopt the morals of a minority?
So, how would gay marriage harm anyone? First, let's define harm. Harm is damage to a person physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, financially, morally, etc. The definition is obviously broad and subjective, and this is problematic. People experience harm in different ways.
Here is a list of ways in which gay marriage can bring harm.
imagine a world where being "gay" the norm & being "straight" would be the minority!
[short film].. .
(by Matt Slick)
America - 3.8%
Australia - 1.2%
Canada - 1.0%
The Kinsey Report - 10% of Americans Homosexual
imagine a world where being "gay" the norm & being "straight" would be the minority!
[short film].. .
The Grammy Awards this year for the first time was not about music.. but about openly and heavily promoting the gay agenda. A planned marriage ceremony for 34 gay and straight couples officiated by Queen Latifah in the middle of the rap by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis about marriage equality.
Who defines the limits on how far freedom to excersie your rights can go? No one apparently. This is not too many steps away from having and allowing marriage and of course sex with minors and animals.
they are afraid you are going to infect the good works done by the active jws.
are you aware that "one weak jw who is fading can take out five strong jws, so it's best to avoid or greatly limit your contact with weak jws?
" circuit overseer (past) words.. .
The month before I quit I clocked up 280 hours for the borg... I was placing mags. books and bibles like there was no tomorrow.. I was the only one out working alone from sometimes 6am to catch the early folk gong to work. I had elders trying to stop me taking literature from the counter and even cancelled my orders for more behind my back because they thought I was placing too much literature. Other elders and pioneers would take me aside and try to slow me down and discourage me. I got the cold shoulder very frequently. When I started bringing groups of interested persons to the meetings I can't tell you the stares and bad vibes I got from other pioneers.
I think my zeal just embarrassed them and exposed their own insincerity. My one and only motive was to try to do more and try to please God.
The brothers hated me for this zeal. Even elders.
So yes it's very bizarre that when I suddenly stopped cold that no one has even attempted to find out why I quit like a light switch. All they had to do was ask me.
And I would have told them to their faces that they were all frauds.
imagine a world where being "gay" the norm & being "straight" would be the minority!
[short film].. .
anyone have an iso image available for download?
i was told that they are coming... but hasn't shown up at our kh yet.
i found the meetings to be especially boring from the late 1980s on.
before that, we actually tried to make people want to listen.
the meetings were pretty interesting.
I have never ever learnt a single thing from any meeting ever. If I have learnt anything it has been through only personal and private reading, study and research.
The content of your average meeting would not even keep an 12 year old of average intelligence entertained. When in meetings I would just sit and dig through my Bible playing the hop-scotch reference game or spend my time studying other peoples body language.
Being seen to attend meetings is like doing hours in the ministry. it's about guilt.