JoinedPosts by Dis-Member
I'm In London!
by FL_Panthers incan anyone recommended any good congregations to visit?
my hotel is in waterloo area so something close please.
anyone else here from london?.
Relationship with Jehovah?
by Batman89 inwhen you were a devout jw.
did you feel that you had an actual "relationship" with jehovah/god just from praying to him and reading the wt or bible?.
or that this was actually even possible deep down?.
A Watcher:
Dis-Member, if you are referring to me, I must say that Iriddle80 said it quite well: "Now that I am interested in a relationship with Him, I see Him all over my life."
It's difficult to explain one's personal relationship with Jehovah. It's like being in love. I talk to Him in prayers, He answers me with actions.
I was not particularly referring to anyone really except the elders I mentioned. But now that you have volunteered.
"Now that I am interested in a relationship with Him, I see Him all over my life."
Does this mean by that that none of us here were ever interested in a relationship with God? Are you saying I sincerely prayed for over 35 years for nothing?
You have not really explained or described your relationship either.. all you did was quote another persons sentence about having a gooey feeling in their tummy and how they now see him 'all over their life'.
Millions are starving and dying all over the world and God has seemingly no interest in any of them but God is 'all over' her life? She must be real special.
It's difficult to explain one's personal relationship with Jehovah. It's like being in love.
No disrespect but that sure sounds like more vague and nebulous gooey mush to me.
I don't doubt that one can have faith, and belief.. and hope, yes all those are easy. Even seeking God is quite realistic and doable. But a personal relationship?
Relationship with Jehovah?
by Batman89 inwhen you were a devout jw.
did you feel that you had an actual "relationship" with jehovah/god just from praying to him and reading the wt or bible?.
or that this was actually even possible deep down?.
I think those that answer 'yes' should really define in detail what they mean and understand by a 'relationship'. Living a life that's saturated with fear, guilt, inadequacy, falling short, following endless rules made up by men, keeping up appearances, endless pleadings, beggings, cryings, to a being that never replies, responds, reacts, or answers for decades on end can in no way ever really be described as any kind of relationship.
The mere fact that God has not struck one dead does not denote one has a friendship with him.
Relationship definition:
'the way in which two or more people or groups regard and behave towards each other.',
'the way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected.'
I asked many elders even those I studied with who were meant to be my spiritual guides to describe their relationship with Jehovah to me.. not one of them could and many flatly refused to even saying: "I am not going to describe or discuss my relationship with God with you!"
Well thank you very much Mr Elder for all your help. What the heck! Possibly because they do not have one. I have found that people who are genuinely in love, and have beautiful, rich and rewarding relationships will not be even able to stop themselves talking about it in endless detail.
They can describe what they think God's relationship was with Abraham, Noah, Joseph, Job, Enoch, David, Solomon, Jesus, Paul, but their own? Not a word.
They can talk about the organisation to no end... but about Jehovah himself? Very little. -
Relationship with Jehovah?
by Batman89 inwhen you were a devout jw.
did you feel that you had an actual "relationship" with jehovah/god just from praying to him and reading the wt or bible?.
or that this was actually even possible deep down?.
by Dis-Member inhi.. is there anyway to change my password to this forum?
i can't seem to find the option anyhere.
would loike to chosoe a more secure one.. .
Hi.. is there anyway to change my password to this forum? I can't seem to find the option anyhere. Would loike to chosoe a more secure one.
Need to expose a peodofile..
by Dis-Member inanyone know the contact number for any congregations in the 'brands hatch' area in kent, england?.
i know of an adult individual that molested a 13 year old girl and had a predilection for child porn that i suspect is a member of a congregation in that area.
he could well be a ministerial servant by now..
Thanks I found it.
Need to expose a peodofile..
by Dis-Member inanyone know the contact number for any congregations in the 'brands hatch' area in kent, england?.
i know of an adult individual that molested a 13 year old girl and had a predilection for child porn that i suspect is a member of a congregation in that area.
he could well be a ministerial servant by now..
Need to track him down first.
Need to expose a peodofile..
by Dis-Member inanyone know the contact number for any congregations in the 'brands hatch' area in kent, england?.
i know of an adult individual that molested a 13 year old girl and had a predilection for child porn that i suspect is a member of a congregation in that area.
he could well be a ministerial servant by now..
Anyone know the contact number for any congregations in the 'Brands Hatch' area in Kent, England?
I know of an adult individual that molested a 13 year old girl and had a predilection for child porn that I suspect is a member of a congregation in that area. He could well be a ministerial servant by now.
10 Reasons You Should Never Have A Religion
by What is Truth? inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc-oz0vfsa4&list=uujt7bewtlk6a6f_ciy2zolq.
going through the medium, trusting future to someone else.lack of self-love, self-esteem.rejecting personal responsibility.seperation.crusades, in the name of (god).justification for killing.
suppressing divine feminine, patriarchal mindset.mythos, who is god?
Idiotic Statement in Today's Public Talk
by piztjw in"some though say, 'but you need to be balanced.
you need to work, pay bills, provide for your family and so forth.
' but think about a bicycle.
That theory is complete rubbish.