I wonder why KateWild who even had a little dance with me on her birthday.. yet completely ignors me when ever I comment on any of her threads.
People are so strange..
i believe in god.
i don't believe he punishes or rewards people.
so by the same extention i don't believe any spirit beings can communicate with or influence humans.. many who do not believe in god though, have gone to fortune tellers.
I wonder why KateWild who even had a little dance with me on her birthday.. yet completely ignors me when ever I comment on any of her threads.
People are so strange..
this is what an indigo child looks like in action.. he just nailed it in these few sentences:.
"you have no proof that there's anything out there, the only proof is yourself and where you are.. and you can only make theories, you can never know the truth".
"the meaning of your life is what you make it, what you want your life to be.. nobody can decide what you will do except for you".
This is what an indigo child looks like in action.
He just nailed it in these few sentences:
"You have no proof that there's anything out there, the only proof is yourself and where you are.. and you can only make theories, you can never know the truth"
"The meaning of your life is what you make it, what you want your life to be.. nobody can decide what you will do except for you"
.. but then again I might be wrong"
Far smarter than any elder I have come across..
i believe in god.
i don't believe he punishes or rewards people.
so by the same extention i don't believe any spirit beings can communicate with or influence humans.. many who do not believe in god though, have gone to fortune tellers.
I'm invisible...
i believe in god.
i don't believe he punishes or rewards people.
so by the same extention i don't believe any spirit beings can communicate with or influence humans.. many who do not believe in god though, have gone to fortune tellers.
Hiya Kate,
Interesting question.
It makes me wonder.. If there is no devil and no demons.. how can there be a God?
Who did Jesus supposedly cast out? Who tempted him in the wilderness? Why did he often speak of "your father the devil"?
Why did God apparently require an instant death penalty for all those who were witches, mediums, sorcerers and warlocks and dabbled in the dark side?
i had listened to the degrading talk by gb heard (on women) & watched a video on evie bklyn channel & there was alot of interesting questions that are raised.. i had always wondered why can't women in the hall handle mics or run magazine counter etc.?
but they (if annointed) will rule in heaven with jesus.
that is a pretty heavy responsibility to help jesus rule millions of people on earth, but yet they can't pass a mic or even run the sound system in the kh.
Privileges? Are you for real?
Name me one priveledge in the hall? Holding the mics? Holding doors open? Attending in the car park?,
When did the hall become the Most the 'Holy of Holies' and that picking up a bit of litter becomes a sacred act there?
Do any of you really think anything there can be a priviledge?
hi guys, i don't really post on here much anymore, having been on here since 2001. this site helped me out in the early days and has been a great support system for all of my past jw issues.
like many others i was discouraged from an education so that i could window clean and pioneer in my youth during the 80's.
having spent many years post my jw exit in alcoholism and periods of drugs, i decided to clean myself up 7 years ago by attending aa, i was still a window cleaner ... at the time i wrote extensively on here about my issues.
Your a puppy!!
People are obtaining their degrees well into their 70's and 80's...
"There were 20 students older than 70 enrolled in Broward College this fall, with eight of them seeking degrees in the arts, sciences or nursing. Nova Southeastern University granted nine degrees to people older than 65 in the first six months of this year, and had 40 graduates over 60.
FAU had 19 people over age 70 enrolled in degree programs over the last year, excluding the fall 2011 graduating class."
Well done young student.
for many decades the writing department of the watchtower has been claiming that joel's prophesy in joel 2:28 had its modern fulfilment in the period between 1919-1922 :"after that i will pour out my spirit on every sort of flesh,and your sons and your daughters will prophesy,your old men will dream dreams,and your young men will see visions.".
what were the miracles performed during these assem blies ?
why are these verses connected with the begining of the last days ?
Claim verb: claim ; 1. state or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof. The entire society is built on nothing but claims.
a great article i stumbled across this morning http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2008/05/10-reasons-you-should-never-have-a-religion/.
while consciously pursuing your spiritual development is commendable, joining an established religion such as christianity, islam, or hinduism is one of the worst ways to go about it.
in this article ill share 10 reasons why you must eventually abandon the baggage of organized religion if you wish to pursue conscious living in earnest.. since christianity is currently the worlds most popular religion, ill slant this article towards christianitys ubiquitous failings.
Preaching to the choir is not such a bad thing.. it helps keep them in tune.
this might be my last post.
i've had quite a few things on my mind over the past few years, mainly my belief in god.
i've tried to move on from the jw past but that's really being foolish.
Why where is it exactly that your going? Back to meetinigs?
Hi Whatthehades, seeing the truth about the truth is one thing, leaving and stepping away is another thing.. clearing ones head is the real big one. The alternative which is living a life that you know not to be real or true and no longer believe in is the biggest and hardest thing of all and I'd say more damaging than anything you could ever possibly do to yourself.
Clearing this stuff from my head has been going on years now for me and I'm still not quite done and I was not even born in! Hang in there.
This helped me..
a great article i stumbled across this morning http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2008/05/10-reasons-you-should-never-have-a-religion/.
while consciously pursuing your spiritual development is commendable, joining an established religion such as christianity, islam, or hinduism is one of the worst ways to go about it.
in this article ill share 10 reasons why you must eventually abandon the baggage of organized religion if you wish to pursue conscious living in earnest.. since christianity is currently the worlds most popular religion, ill slant this article towards christianitys ubiquitous failings.
This was a really great read, thank you for sharing Batman.