Oh My God that is the cutest thing I have ever seen! I miss baby kittieeeeeeeees!
JoinedPosts by asleif_dufansdottir
It's Caturday.....
by Snoozy inpost your favorites... here's one i found on a facebook friends wall and i "borrowed" it... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vw4kvoevcr0&sns=em.
hugs, snoozy.
Easter not Pagan enough
by free2beme ini may be a former witness, who was told easter all pagan.
now though, with myself being pagan ... i just see too much christianity in easter and do not do much with it.
got a cheap deal on a ham, couldn't pass that up, so having a ham dinner.
Our lifestyles are too far removed from the natural world. If your life depended on your ability to grow food, if you were dependent on hunting rabbits or raising lambs to survive, if the greens that finally started growing were the first fresh vegetables you'd had in months...if you spent winter huddled somewhere with only the fire you cut for heat...Ostara would be a BIG deal to you
Some of my daughter's Artwork
by lovelylil inthese are some of steph's (xsk8trboizrhotx) b.t.w.
for those who haven't figured it out yet it is (ex skater boys are hot).
these will be featured in an art show next week.
Glad I could help.
Some of my daughter's Artwork
by lovelylil inthese are some of steph's (xsk8trboizrhotx) b.t.w.
for those who haven't figured it out yet it is (ex skater boys are hot).
these will be featured in an art show next week.
RE: The software. Buying full price software of that kind is very, very expensive. However, the good news is, your daughter is a student. Academic pricing is a *fraction* of full price.
Ask her teacher or school administrators if there is a way for you to get her student pricing somewhere online.
(quick web search)
academic pricing online
Simply send us a copy of your school ID or one of these other documents after placing your order
K12 Student/Parents
- Report Card
- Student ID
- Registration Receipt
- Letter of Enrollment on school letterhead
Illustrator - $198
Photoshop CS5 $198
(make sure you get the right Mac or PC edition but I'm sure she would know.
...Sometimes working for a university technology department has knowledge perks!
I wish you every success in your studies!!
Are You Raising An Introvert?
by darth frosty inits not easy being an introvert in an extrovert worldespecially when youre a kid.
it is even more difficult if none of the adults in the kids life recognize that the child is an introvert.
this doesnt happen only when the childs parents are extroverts, but also with introverted parents who have never understood their own introverted nature.. .
I am an introvert too. People who see me at work or social gatherings have a very hard time believing this. I just try to explain that I need a whole lot of time alone to be that happy to be around other people. I do find, however, that animals (cats especially) are energizing rather than draining. Small children are the worst. They can wipe me out in 5 minutes flat.
The highest compliment I've ever paid my husband was to tell him that being around him was almost as good as being by myself. ;)
I want the t-shirt that said, "You read my t-shirt. That's enough interaction for today" LOL
I once worked for a rabbi who had 13 kids (they have more now). One of the younger girls got forgotten in the synagogue one day (she was around 7-8 years old). I was in the office and heard her wailing. She FREAKED. I mean I thought she was going to have a heart attack or stroke. She'd never been alone before. Like, in her LIFE. She'd always had at least one of her sisters around (and often many more people). And since I was not family nor Jewish, I was no help consoling her. She did come sit outside my office so at least she wasn't Completely Alone...but it was clearly a horrifically traumatic event for her. I had to call her dad to come back and get her.
I was an only child til I was 7 1/2...and then there's just my brother. I can't imagine...
Temporarily tired of JW boyfriend. Should I: a) leave
by SEL inor b) continue in my plan of eventually getting him out with steve hassan's help?.
option b is going to be expensive but not impossibly so.
but it would require more patience than i think i have.
Here's something I think too few people consider...What if you do manage to get him out, marry him...and because of some major life crisis he returns to the JWs?
People who don't wake up and decide to exit all on their own...ESPECIALLY people who were raised in it, and have major family/friend ties in it...for a lot of them it's always going to be the 'default'. And the harder you have to work to convince him that it's a 'cult', the better chance he's going to up and decide on his own someday to return.
We turn into our mothers, guys, in some ways, really do turn into their dads in late middle age. Keep that one in mind too ;o)
If People Told you the JW's Would Change These Beliefs & Practices.....
by flipper inwould you have believed it ?
( i give credit to the poster password protected for giving me the idea of this thread ) .. after exiting the witnesses in 2003 i have noticed many changes within the wt society which really surprised me but after analyzing the changes - they really have convinced me the wt society and jehovah's witnesses are a mind control cult intent on ruling people's lives.
here are some i have noticed that have changed :.
Well, during the time when we were active (late 80's) we studied the Revelation book 3 freaking times (2 of those times back-to-back). During that time, if somebody had suggested that the WT would ever be an NGO of the UN, they would have been DF'd for gross apostacy. So I haven't gotten over the whole UN thing yet...
Is this a forum for JW issues or a poorly designed political and celebrity site?
by Band on the Run init appears to me that even in the few months that i have been here there is less and less emphasis on jehovah's witnesses and anything remotely related to jws and more very poor posts about politics, foreign affairs and celebrities.
i can't omit the juvenile sex ones, which i find lacking in erotic nature.
it seems the 6th grade boys are meeting in the locker room.. the posts that involve jws have a very different tone from the drivel posted on others.
It's an artifact of internet forums, I suspect. When you're brand new, or returning to a forum from a period of inactivity, from your perspective it's "look! here's all these threads with information I'm interested in! This is great!" From your perspective, there's lots of wheat and you don't notice the chaff so much.
Then, after you've been active on the forum for a while, you've read all the 'existing' topics that appeal to you. Then it seems like there's a lot more chaff 'lately' and not so much wheat.
At least, that's my theory ;)
It's why I tend to drop in and do a LOT of reading on any number of special interest/hobbyist forums in kind of a 'boom and bust' cycle...I read a forum pretty intensively for days/weeks/months...then go off to other things...and often return months or even years later to 'catch up.'
Atlas Shrugged Part 1
by littlerockguy inwent and saw atlas shrugged part 1 at the rave theater here in little rock friday night.
i was surprised it showed here since it had such a limited showing.. anyway i was really surprised at how well it was done on such a limited budget and a very tight and short schedule to have the whole picture done and it really followed the book very well.
i went to the 7:15 showing and the theater was packed but but not sold out.
It is laughable the number of drive-by snipers who have no intellectual stake in a topic but who lob grenades into it.
You don't understand why people see no point in 'continuing a discussion with you?
Let's see...
- you belong to a social group which prides itself on having the only right answer to a difficult situation and mocks and belittles those who don't have similar beliefs/understandings
- this group's claims and beliefs may sound like 'common sense' to the average person at first but require extensive 'buy in' as you go deeper
- the group thrives on 'attacks' by the 'enemy'
- you wave around publications you say contain the 'truth' and the 'real answer' (tm)
- outsiders who remain unconvinced have no patience in "discussing" a topic with most group members because the group member does not really engage in honest discussion but instead rattles off "the party line" while vigorously refusing to hear one word anyone who's not a group member says, and instead mocks them for blindness and stupidity...
All this, and you honestly don't understand why people on THIS Board would have no patience or interest in prolonged 'discussion' with you. Really? The irony is deafening...
How HIGH did you climb the ranks as a JW? Did you like the STATUS?
by unshackled inso what were your biggest jw accomplishments as a rank & file?
curious as to what level you climbed the r&f ladder while in the org, or if you still are in.. did you regular pioneer, or auxiliary pioneer?
Those of you who were public speakers, especially those who had parts on CA and DC...does it ever hurt your feelings a little when we talk about how deadly dull and boring those were? I mean I'm sure you TRIED to make it the best you could but, given the parameters you had to work with, your chances of giving a really good and entertaining part were doomed from the start.
As a lowly sister, of course, all I could do was parts on the school (wasn't really hardcore in long enough for anything else, and hubby was definitely NOT MS or elder material...in fact I think he only joined in the first place because his family and I were 'opposed'). Everybody told me How Good my parts were and I did try hard, but basically I know my parts were boring and stupid...parroting the party line.