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JoinedPosts by Jayson
So, what REALLY happened on September 11, a.k.a. the unknowns...???
by reporter init's getting on to almost two years since the events of september 11, and it is striking how little we know about what happened: .
we don't know the real names of any of the hijackers.. we don't know what countries they came from.. we don't know who planned and organized the terrorism.. we don't know who financed it.. we have no idea what actually happened at the pentagon (but i know a boeing 757 didn't go through this hole).
normal video tapes of and from the pentagon building, which should have shown what happened, have never been released (except for one, which poses more questions than it answers).
If you saw a serious car accident, would you...
by JH inif you saw a serious car accident, and people were trapped in the car, or unconscious in the wreck, would you try to get them out even if the car was on fire and could explode at any moment?.
coming back from quebec city today, i saw a car or truck in the ditch upside down and with lots of smoke coming out of the wreckage.
4 or 5 cars were stopped near by to look at the accident.
It's not even a question for me. I was trained as an EMT. Repsonding to people in need is part of my creed. I've done it in the past. Car's rarely explode even if there is flame or smoke. I also have assisted people when a battery was taking place. Once was a female security guard just getting pounded by a theif. That one did not go down so well. His partner hit me with his car while trying to escape. He drug another security guard about 50 feet when he tried to jerk the keys out of the ignition. We got the SOB's though.
When I was 18 a girlfriend had a child and I was feeding him mashed potatos when he gaged and couldn't breath. He was about 10 months old and I didn't know what to do for a baby. She turned him upside down and started shaking him. It worked, but from then on I didn't want to be helpless. I became an EMT less than a year later.
I'm afraid about her...
by Zaanieth inat first, sorry for my bad english.. i found this forum in bbc when i was looking for something about jws because this sect became a big problem in my life 3 or 4 months ago.. last 4 years, it began on elementary and now it continues on high school, i was in love with one girl, but i didn't know much about her, because she was entering group b and i was entering group a in the school.
i wanted to know more about her so i didn't tell it her and long time i hoped that will be a situation when i will speak with her.
but this wasn't happened.
Buster that is such an honest answer. I have seen everything that you attest to I.R.L.
And I agree, it is just not worth it. It's not just one person. There is massive excess baggage that goes with the relationship.
How do you leave the JW's ??? Let's help those trying to !!!!!!!
by run dont walk inwhat is the best way to leave the jw religion ?????.
give your experience or maybe some ideas you came up with after you left, on the best ways of getting out.. how to cope with family pressure ???
(by far the hardest issue when leaving).
I don't blame her one bit. In fact I think she's smarter and wiser than meBTW are you the Buster who used to have the flaming shoes?
So, what REALLY happened on September 11, a.k.a. the unknowns...???
by reporter init's getting on to almost two years since the events of september 11, and it is striking how little we know about what happened: .
we don't know the real names of any of the hijackers.. we don't know what countries they came from.. we don't know who planned and organized the terrorism.. we don't know who financed it.. we have no idea what actually happened at the pentagon (but i know a boeing 757 didn't go through this hole).
normal video tapes of and from the pentagon building, which should have shown what happened, have never been released (except for one, which poses more questions than it answers).
Well, you have your opinions, I have mine. At least I have the common decency to respect your opinion.
See now that's exactly what I need to work on.
Hamas question,
Are some opinions not respectable? And if so are we still required to respect them? I'm trying to make a difference between the opinion and the person. Simon made some good comments on this awhile back.
Abaddon, let's face it, if I commented about the blue sky you would go off one me on how that is a straw man argument, you's rip me a new one on how the sky is not always blue. You would demand sources ignoring something like which would have already been put up by me. You do make the difference between opinion and person Abaddon, and then insult both. Like I said to Hamas, I don't want to do that anymore.
How do you leave the JW's ??? Let's help those trying to !!!!!!!
by run dont walk inwhat is the best way to leave the jw religion ?????.
give your experience or maybe some ideas you came up with after you left, on the best ways of getting out.. how to cope with family pressure ???
(by far the hardest issue when leaving).
I felt that desire to help everyone, save everyone, when my wife finally broke out of the shell. She never did. To her all JW's are dead. If they fell off the face of the earth, even her family, she couldn't care less. I was angry, angry over the lies and the backbiting, the trying to ruin our life. Of course it's not all them. After a year I see that now. It's me too. I have a lot of the same personality traits that are crappy. I decided to work on my own flaws and that will probably take the rest of my life. So, before anyone goes out and tries to save the world make sure you can keep your pride in check, make sure that you can overcome the hate that you have, and hate because of betrayal they will instill in you. It is so easy to become obsessive over them. They aren't worth it. When a JW newbie or oldie comes to JWD try to be understanding when they have a major "tude." It's not easy. The "world" doesn't want to be saved.
So, what REALLY happened on September 11, a.k.a. the unknowns...???
by reporter init's getting on to almost two years since the events of september 11, and it is striking how little we know about what happened: .
we don't know the real names of any of the hijackers.. we don't know what countries they came from.. we don't know who planned and organized the terrorism.. we don't know who financed it.. we have no idea what actually happened at the pentagon (but i know a boeing 757 didn't go through this hole).
normal video tapes of and from the pentagon building, which should have shown what happened, have never been released (except for one, which poses more questions than it answers).
abbadon oh um I agree with your post. But that you think these people give a crap that you do research oh um never mind.
Just pray to your god that one day I will decide to stop posting here and take my ignoramous ass somewhere else.
Witnesses NOT a Cult.
by integ init has been mentioned on this board many times that the jehovahs' witnesses are a cult.. this connotation may not ring true with witnesses.
i have mentioned to certain ones that.
the witnesses fit the "definition" of a cult.
The problem with accepting that any JW is part of a dangerous sect, or a cult is the same problem with them thinking it is impossible for them to be under mind control. The definition of "cult" like "brainwashing" and "mind control" use the most barbaric examples of what these tactics look like. Everyone being dead, and the compound looking like a concentration camp, or a prision physically is the only type of "cult" that exists to them. The physical freedom is all they can comprehend because they are not in control of their critical thinking skills I.E. Their minds. When you talk about a prison of the mind and not the body the argument becomes, then all institutions are "cults." Who is better than Who. And around we go.
The thing is (and I asked witnesses when they used to harrass me) "If you were under mind control how would you know?"
So, what REALLY happened on September 11, a.k.a. the unknowns...???
by reporter init's getting on to almost two years since the events of september 11, and it is striking how little we know about what happened: .
we don't know the real names of any of the hijackers.. we don't know what countries they came from.. we don't know who planned and organized the terrorism.. we don't know who financed it.. we have no idea what actually happened at the pentagon (but i know a boeing 757 didn't go through this hole).
normal video tapes of and from the pentagon building, which should have shown what happened, have never been released (except for one, which poses more questions than it answers).
I demand a recount. Simon should give reporter the honor of being publicly called the most worstest poster of whole articles taking up massive amounts of band width for useless intentions instead of just links. (Of useless impossible conspiracy information) This "reporter" person has earned this title. And it is the only reason that such silly things would be posted. Obviously reporter is jealous of the attention Simon gives me.
Email from Dick Cheney..BARF!!!
by Aztec ini got this lovely email the other day... .
dear carrie, .
last month, president bush wrote you asking if you would support his reelection.
Gore won the popular vote he isn't sitting in the white house. No matter, I don't think he would've done a much better job than Bush. I always vote my conscience. -Az
Good for you.
Hasn't it occurred to you that if it hadn't been for people voting for Nader, Bush wouldn't have won the election?-Funk
If you don't count the military votes Bush would have only won Fl. by a few hundred votes.Should people not be allowed to vote outside of the 2 party lines? I'm a registered independent. Do I need a party line? (I think not) In the words of Larry Elders, "Republicans or Democrates, a dime a dozen."
Bush is popular with a majority of Americans, in a way maybe more so than any other President. (Although it is sliding) It will be intresting what he does with it in his next term. So far it has caused division everywhere. The thing is a choice is going to have to be made. Is the US going to try to work with old "allies" and try to smooth over bruised pride going back to the way things were. (Is that possible?) Or, is America going to seek new "friends" based on mutual ideology? (If America's new stance has backbone and we don't fold on all that has been done.) I find we are in interesting times indeed.-Jayson