Penn & Teller speak volumes.
do you know someone who had this experience?.
Penn & Teller speak volumes.
yes i know there must be all sorts of powerful emotions bubbling below the surface on this question.
don't be shy!.
personally, as an honourary somali, i think something needs to be done about those damned tahitians.
It is that stupid isn't it......Thanks
has anyone or do you know anyone who has been attacked viciously by a witness because you told them that you thought there religion was a cult or other derogatory remarks against there faith?
My brother was attacked by one with a knife once in a bar. They were all drunk and the JW was being very naughty. He knew of some of their customs and started teasing the guy about how he should not be doing that because he is all "gawdy" and everything. When my brother said he is going to call the elders the kid went ballistic. My brother did not want to press charges and the "elders" publicly reproved the JW for trying to stab someone. Case Closed.
I have been verbally attacked my father in law and two doorbellers where I really thought that it was going to become physical. And countless less agressive encounters. Of course I showed them the flaws in their ideology and challenged them to not run away when they can't come up with a flashy comeback I asked then "Why?" (Why about all the cruelty and ridiculous unhappiness they put upon people) I also did not read CoC or Releasing the Bonds before engaging in their concept of spiritual warfare before doing it. I just did not know any better. I thought that all religions were equal. They are not. People do not play by the same rules, some don't respect any ethical boundries at all.
The problem as I see it is a total void of personal morality. They are socially sociopathic.
but i was so wrong!
my daughter just got home.
you all know i dressed her up, painted her nails, curled her hair, and sent her off to my favorite cousin's wedding.
OK I opened old wounds by talking about this with my better and wiser half. So I'm going to say a little more. Sorry for offense in advance.
Talking about cutting of contact with your family you should do it FOR your daughter. Orb-moron reminded me of exactly the brain twisting moron logic that they use to justify being such donkeys. If they wanted to honor your daughter then you would have been there. (Selfish SOB's) They wanted to discrace you in the eyes of your daughter. And even if they did not mean to then they are to stupid and self rightous to see what they do. You and your family meaning your daughter need to be united. You teach people how to treat you. You teach your daughter how it is acceptable to treat people and how to be treated. By allowing her to go off with them without you and them doing that hurting you you made it acceptable behavior to act that way. You told her that it is OK to hurt people and you because they won't believe what you believe or do what they want you to do. That is BS. They are BS and cowards to boot. You hold your head high and remember that you are not cutting them off from your daughter. You are cutting them off FOR your daughter.
but i was so wrong!
my daughter just got home.
you all know i dressed her up, painted her nails, curled her hair, and sent her off to my favorite cousin's wedding.
Oroborus, Is it painful to actually have ice flowing through your vains? (Sheesh, what a freaking bitch)
but i was so wrong!
my daughter just got home.
you all know i dressed her up, painted her nails, curled her hair, and sent her off to my favorite cousin's wedding.
essie, A year ago I would have been screaming mad after reading this. Partly as a child of divorce wars I know first hand about being a weapon of emotions. And partly because it happened to me too in the same way. I find it hard to believe that more don't have personal stories just like yours to share. Hurting those who will not stay in the cycle of abuse is JW 101. I have a story just like yours involving a JW family wedding. You decide if breaking all contact with them including your children is the right thing to do. I can share that when I made that choice it was mentally violent in the begining because they went crazy. One at a time they started calling me wanting to be my new best friend. But, now my kids are so much happier and heathier. You will be too. What I know is no matter how low I think the bottom is with them there is a new cruelty they will do. And they do this to show you that the hurt can stop if you just come back. That is not true. The hurt stops when you break the cycle of abuse. There is a big world out there with lots of great people out there. The JW cults are just one of the sects that people live in. Find a group of people who love and accept you for who you are now. And then love them back in the same way. No person who loves you would hurt you the way that they have.
the whole discussion on "america" made me wonder the above.. by the way the war of 1812 wasn't against canadians but against the brits and won by americans after the battle of new orleans--which inspired one of the funniest lines in folk music, penned by jimmy driftwood and sung by the great johnny horton:.
..."we fired our cannon 'til the barrel melted down.. so we grabbed an alligator and we fought another round.. we filled his head with cannon balls, and powdered his behind.
and when we touched the powder off, the gator lost his mind.".
I think that too many are two faced about politics here. JW love and debating mentality flows like a broken pipe. I started a thread for Americans to talk and it is locked. It fail to see how anyone was getting slamed unlike any Eurotrash anti-American thread started thread that does nothing but slam. I guess the word American without pointing faults is like saying Fuc- here. Of course just talk about dissidence or Europe or anything Non US and it is great. Keep it up run off all the Americans who will not do a Monica for European attitudes.
There is a reason that the Founding Fathers of America thought the average person to stupid to understand how government works to directly elect the people to rule over them. That is why the Republic was formed AND NOT A DEMOCRACY. People here have proven that they are still right even today.
Canada is envious of the US? Bullshit! They are not. And all the Canadians I have ever met are very cool people. I like Canada. I like Canadians. End comments
tell us, please, we wanna know!.
also can you get your head around the the british isles, the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland and just plain ole england?.
(with apologies to minimus).
I guess I am guilty of the age old American crime. When it comes to forigners, and their opinions, frankly dear "I don't give a damn."
tell us, please, we wanna know!.
also can you get your head around the the british isles, the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland and just plain ole england?.
(with apologies to minimus).
Oh the British people are so sweeet they are sooo great they are so smart they are so tall and they are soooo great at everything and they are so nice and they are so perfect just like all the really smart nice sweet perfectly understanding real funny people of Europe that are never smug condencending arogant SOB's!
Oh ya and they are not American so this thread is just peachy and we can all just talk real nice to each other
do you care what people think of you from a prejudice ideology?
what is more important to you, what you think of yourself or, what people who have never met you think you are probably like?.
does it make you feel good to pretend to be superior by putting others down?
Your descriptive lead-in to the question is too vague for an intelligent reply. What "valuable opportunity"? How was it "lost"? Which "allies", and why did this question come up? Some exposition is needed before I can answer.
Comp I'm not trying to be vauge. One fine point is on the documentary of 9/11 is that some 80 countries were attacked and lost citizens and loved ones. But it is called "The Attack on America" (my words) I think that is wrong. American soil yes so we should take it very personally. But it does involve others and we should not forget that. In many books and print I read and in the 9/11 documentary there is the reference to "a lost opportunity." And, there is the "hawk talk" about those "with us or against us." I won't talk to much because I am not trolling here nor am I taking a dig on anyone. But, I think both are extremes. I'm asking have you ever considered that many countries were attacked on that day? (For one thing)
ThiChi I like your retirement planI have never been to Mexico but I have heard it's nice. Someday I hope to go.
Reborn thanks.
Fran yes I have read the Koran and keep the "Esentials" version. I also have read "The History of God." Which I recommend. I think that the Koran is hard for a Western mind to grasp and embrace. It is not the Bible. I have heard that it is more like poetry and less analytical.