Hi Ron! It's a pleasure to meet you. Welcome.
hi jesika and aztec,.
i hope you can help me to get to know everyone better here.
this is a really huge forum from what i am used to.
Hi Ron! It's a pleasure to meet you. Welcome.
Gullible...? Sugar...I think you hit the nail on the head there. Do tell me more.....
Can someone tell me what the actual levels are?
a regular at the local diner was sitting in his usual spot, all long in the face and sad, when his friend the waitress came over to take his order.
"why so mopey?
", she inquired.
Maverick....*laughing so hard I can barely breathe* You really did say that, didn't you??
a regular at the local diner was sitting in his usual spot, all long in the face and sad, when his friend the waitress came over to take his order.
"why so mopey?
", she inquired.
I think that would depend on where your lips are when you kiss, don't you?
a regular at the local diner was sitting in his usual spot, all long in the face and sad, when his friend the waitress came over to take his order.
"why so mopey?
", she inquired.
Kissing is important. There is nothing quite like a good kiss. Once you've had a great kiss, nothing else can measure up. But, it takes two to have a great kiss. I'm a lucky gal...a very lucky gal to have had such great kisses.
A bad kiss is a fast turn-off. Trust me on this one.
Rayzorblade...Thank you. I am enjoying it here. You'll get that crown sooner than you think...
outnfree..thank you...
shamus...wow...maybe a free game? beats the heck outta me....
with all the information we have nowadays, out of sheer curiousity, do any of you know your blood type?
for some, i know the blood-issue is a touchy subject, but it's interesting to know it.
you'd be surprised especially when the case of an rh-negative mother may give birth to an rh-positive child.
I'm B- and my ex is A+. Our son is AB-.
Scully thank you for all your information.
do you play an instrument; do you sing or write music?.
just wondering.
heathen - thank you so much for the tip.
do you play an instrument; do you sing or write music?.
just wondering.
I sing...and sing...and sing. I'm not in a band. My singing would be more along the Broadway musical type. I would love to sing in a band. It's a dream of mine.