Now THAT"S what I'm talkin' 'bout!!!
Now THAT"S what I'm talkin' 'bout!!!
what song makes you turn up the car radio and start singing!.
song that kicks in the automatic pilot and takes over.. i heard a bunch of "steely dan" on the radio today and most of the songs i had completely forgotten about.
they made some good songs in the 70's/80's.
Egad!! It's spreading like a virus....Run for cover!! No one is immune!!!
Play that funky music white boy...
Arrowstar of the song stuck in her head class
Football...? Soccer...?
what song makes you turn up the car radio and start singing!.
song that kicks in the automatic pilot and takes over.. i heard a bunch of "steely dan" on the radio today and most of the songs i had completely forgotten about.
they made some good songs in the 70's/80's.
So do I! I can't even imagine the strange looks I must get..LOL!
Car-dancing is such fun. I think sometimes I dance more when I catch someone watching me. Who cares what they think? I'm doing this for me....singing loud and movin' to the groove...
now why am I hearing "play that funky music" in my head...?
I need help professional help...
what song makes you turn up the car radio and start singing!.
song that kicks in the automatic pilot and takes over.. i heard a bunch of "steely dan" on the radio today and most of the songs i had completely forgotten about.
they made some good songs in the 70's/80's.
Gosh...where do you begin?
Heart, Stevie Ray Vaughn, John Mayer, Melissa Etheridge, Sheryl Crow, Train, Creed, Van Halen (the Sammy Hagar years..don't hate me), Trick Pony, Pink, Eric Clapton, Lyle Lovett, Patsy Cline, Bonnie Raitt (my favorite)...too too many to list.
Yes, it's true. I car-dance.
hi there im new here so a brief biog to say hi.
ill be a bit vague cos not sure how safe with poss jw's seeing as friends and parents still jw's and im not d'sd or df'd just stopped going.probably being paranoid.wonder why?was brought up jw did 'bad things' in teens whilst pioneering felt sick with guilt then got doubts started hanging with worldlys got grassed up by my sis for doing drugs but manage to avoid ds/da and left fairly quietly.
i live in birmingham england have been my own man for over two years but after the initial great im free feeling i guess im a bit flat now.
Welcome Stu!!
Nice to meet you....
five kinds of sex .
1) the first is smurf sex.
this happens during the honeymoon, you both keep doing it until you're blue in the face.
Well...according to the list...1 thru 3. I prefer to think of it as fulfilling, thrilling, wonderul, skyrockets exploding sex.
in a few days, i will be making my move from kansas to florida!!
i'm really anxious about the whole thing.
i've never lived anywhere but kansas so this whole is unreal for me.
Best of luck to you!
did you say Dallas? It's hot here...just giving you a warning. We're approaching July and triple digits.
When will you be in our neck of the woods?
which cartoons did you like the most on tv when you were a youngster?
The Banana Splits...
I do like some of the new cartoons...Johnny Bravo, etc
Classic Looney son likes those too.
tony robbins claims there are three basic ways people 'feel' loved.
some need to be told.
for them hearing those words expresses love.
I'm thinking we need a group grope...hug...I mean...hug