Respectfully Joe, you are clueless.
(1) The JW are not a religion. They are a cult. Big difference.
(2) If you decide to pick a fight over covering their head, you do not get the point. Emotional blackmail. Family shunning. Those are the things that cause real damage.
(3) I tend to cut the atheist on this board a great deal of slack, because they have been through alot of pain with the JW. I cannot say that I blame them for being angry and bitter. The JW did a great deal of bad things to them in God's name. My wife held that against God for a long time. They need to vent. I hope and yes pray that they find peace.
(4) However when a non-JW who does not have to deal with JW in a meaningful personal fashion begins bashing all religions as equally whacky, I will take issue. Atheism is as much as religion as anything else. Secular liberalism has a great many tenents that are accepted blindly on unquestioning faith by its followers.
(5) In my experience, most atheist are pretty arrogant, when in fact they are simply too intellectually lazy to comtemplate their finiteness in an infinite universe. Likewise, they lack any sense of continuity of generations and the importance of tradition.
Yes, the astute observer may note my distinct Wesleyian perspective.