Good Grief, Waiting. Do you live in a REALLY SMALL TOWN or something? 'Cuz in MY WORLD there are ALWAYS TONS of Witnesses who attend WeightWatchers meetings! (No pun intended!) It's NEVER been questioned by ANYONE - even if held in a church's public facilities, which they're NOT around here, although Overeaters Anonymous meetings are. (Not to mention AA and Al-Anon meetings, which are attended by more Witnesses than you would care to think - WITH the blessings of the elders, if it's a struggle that is known to them.) Even though in a physical "Church building", they are not religious meetings.
I've always bought Girl Scout Cookies - even served them on treat nights after book study with no comments from others other than how they love those Mint ... whatevers ...!
I used to go to an Aerobics class at the Y - sponsored by the Y. The literature does discuss not JOINING the Y, but a fee for equal services (with no name on a membership roll ...) is a matter of conscience. I never made a secret of that either. (My Brother, on the other hand, was reprimanded for serving turkey on Thanksgiving! LOL Go figure!) A lot of it is the "conscience" of the particular body of elders. Sure, that's just plain silly, but if I were going to stumble over something, I'd sure hope it would be something more meaningful than that! LOL
Anyway, I'm guessing either you have (had) one VERY OPINIONATED elder that you've had to deal with, or live in a VERY SMALL TOWN. LOL Am I right?
The moral of the story is - know the scriptural principles involved - KNOW what the Society's feelings are on a matter - exercise your Godly conscience, and ... um, Don't Sweat the Small Stuff ...
PS - Think we need a new heading? We seem to have left Jimmy Swaggart in the dust!