How could a shirt "force" a birth? Does a shirt that says pro choice force an abortion? That was the thing in this case, the kids wore whatever they wanted and some teacher got offended by the shirt this young woman wore. BTW, it also said "You will not mock my God. You will not silence my message" The problem was the word God. It wasnt just the teacher, the vice principal upheld it and reprimanded her. There was a monthlong standoff between her and the school. All the while everyone else gets to wear whatever they choose, but not her. That is intolerance!
I understand why people don't want teacher led prayer in schools. No, I don't think its okay to force Christian or any other beliefs on others. I dont think they should burn all the books I don't agree with, either. The problem I've seen is, people go on about "tolerance" yet do not apply the same rules to beliefs and groups they don't like or agree with. There are kids having their rights violated by the intolerance of teachers and administrators, and in the name of tolerance! I think there is too much intolerance going on on ALL sides. Particularly with the way society is today, anything goes, except religion!
Why is citing individual cases stupid? What does a kid refusing to sit in a chair have to do with the subject? This individual case, I think, is within the topic at least. The company that sold the shirts said it had recieved at least a dozen calls from other students whose shirts were censored, so its obviously not a completely isolated incident.
If you want to see the article, its at:
peace to all-L