JoinedTopics Started by 4christ
by 4christ in.
whooo........... i have felt two earthquakes so far this morning, my husbnad said he felt 3.......anyone else feeling the earth move today?.
They just came to my door!
by 4christ ineek...... i just had a visit from 2 lady jws!
i was totally caught off guard.
my dogs barked at em so i had to put them out before i could answer.
workers comp blues
by 4christ ini posted this also on the other board i go to, this is so irritating..... .
we really need prayers.......let me tell our situation.
my husband is a construction worker.
tonights sunset
by 4christ inhi everyone.
tonight there will be an interesting sight in the setting sky........................... http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2002/03jun_sunset.htm?friend.
I quit smoking!
by 4christ ini have smoked cigarettes since i was 12 years old, a pack a day for 16 years.
i have not had a cigarette since friday night and it is monday!
i am craving a smoke but i am not going to have one because i don"t smoke anymore!
No Place So Far
by 4christ inits 2 am -the ticking.
no thing could keep my love from you.
no thing could keep my love from you.
a religious (Catholic) joke
by 4christ inheres a joke my dad told me the other day.... a catholic priest died and went to heaven.
when he got there, some angels asked him what he wanted to do.
he said he wanted to read the holy scriptures in the original manuscripts.
Am I an "apostate"?
by 4christ ini was wondering if i am considered one by the wt defintion.
i have never been a jw in my life but i disagree with their doctrine.
are all the "worldies" considered "apostates" or just the ex jws?
Hannity & Colmes-blood issue
by 4christ inthey are talking about the guy who is suing his doctor for saving his life with an unwanted blood transfusion.. peace- l
childhood and the watchtower
by 4christ ini am not a jw but....... when i was a child my mother was a "searcher".
she was involved with armstrongism, some other cult i cant remember the name, and finally jws.
she would take me with her to "bible studies" and i would listen.