Why are they "reviewing" books they haven't read?
"you people are all idiots" post reminded me of some the witness reviews i've seen on amazon.com.
weak and wrong, march 18, 2003. .
Why are they "reviewing" books they haven't read?
more blessings from the gilead instructors.... "it was brought out that christendom and the world smacks of .
baalism today.
sad to say, like the israelites sometimes even jehovah's .
They will offer up their children on the
altar of education.
That is simply THE dumbest thing I have read in a long time.
i think when he finally kicks the bucket that the gb will allow the rank and file to save thier lives with a blood transfussion.
from randy's site:.
No matter who dies, the GB won't say outright in print what is now allowable and what isn't. They will use double entendres and hidden meanings to say things without really saying it, so the general public or the press won't pick up on it but the R & F will. They will gradually insert words like "personal choice" "between you and Jehovah" and "consience matter" in publications regarding blood so that many years from now they will say "it's always been a consience matter". Although I could be wrong because the GB has certainly damned themselves with regards to what they've printed about the blood issue. ie. "Youths who put God First" Awake. R & F are already confused about what exactly is acceptable regarding blood that most just refuse blood altogether without thinking twice. My brother did.
Most JW's I know say that they refuse blood because of what the New World Translation says, not what the Governing Body tells them to do.In their mind they think they are following a law of the Bible. And yet there is the "double speak" in which in the same breath they hold on to every word the GB says because they are the "mouthpiece" of God.
it is way too quiet in here tonite.
is it meeting night or something??.
wake up!!!
Once my little brother was tryng to get out of going to the meeting, and he said he got his period. ;
wow, that's too funny...
it is way too quiet in here tonite.
is it meeting night or something??.
wake up!!!
Can I see you in the back room please?
damn... saw through that huh....ok how about this one..
i'm menstruating and have horrible horrible cramps.. is that better?
(i knew i could use that excuse at least once a month to get out of field service)
i have been out of the jw's for many years now but i still have devout jw's family members.
and i am attending college now at 40 yrs old working on my ba degree.
i was so happy a few years ago when my jw mom told me that the wt is slacking off on telling jw's teenagers that college is bad and it is ok to attend college and universities.
cuz we wouldn't want daddy to lose his priveleges...
ugh *shudder*
brings back too many memories
happy birthday by the way!
-Doodle-V of the "had to sneak and take college classes behind her parents back" class
it is way too quiet in here tonite.
is it meeting night or something??.
wake up!!!
Is it Meeting Night or something??
nope not goin to the meeting tonight because...uhhh well... i can't find my songbook...
yeah that's it
i have been out of the jw's for many years now but i still have devout jw's family members.
and i am attending college now at 40 yrs old working on my ba degree.
i was so happy a few years ago when my jw mom told me that the wt is slacking off on telling jw's teenagers that college is bad and it is ok to attend college and universities.
**cking morons....ruining kids lives again.
i can see it now on the ride home from the assembly the brother elder saying to his son
"well you heard it from the Faithful Slave, son i guess you'll turn down that full ride to MIT and turn in your application to regular pioneer this fall huh?"
my oldest son is left handed.
everytime he does anything different from the rest of us.....my husband relates this to being left handed.. he is very artistic, detailed, and extremely particular about how he wants things in his little world to be.. this may be because he's 5 - who knows.. are there any traits of left handed people that you lefties may want to share so i can be prepared in the future?.
thanks in advance,.
I'm a leftie too.
I use the mouse with my right hand and shoot B-ball and play guitar with my right hand. Most everything else I do left handed.
as an american, i see words such as cheerio, blimey, bloody (when referring to something negative), loo, bugger, fag (cigarette), etc.
as chiefly british (i suppose they are).. what words and/or phrases do you consider to be chiefly american?
i'm honestly unaware of which words i use that may not be used in other english-speaking countries.
Americans also tend to pronounce the "t" like the letter d"
as in
Water, Fatter, Pity= sounds like "wawder, fadder, piddy"
or sometimes we Americans don't even pronounce the "t" at all like in the word "mitten"