Gilead students told...other JWs are a bunch of slackers!

by sir82 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    More blessings from the Gilead instructors...

    " It was brought out that Christendom and the world smacks of
    Baalism today. Sad to say, like the Israelites sometimes even Jehovah's
    people can be affected with Baalism. Sometimes they say that there are
    too many meetings. They don't want to exert themselves. They don't want
    the deeper things of the truth but always say to keep it simple. They
    wont take Friday off for the convention. They reserve many weekends for
    leisure. Where do they get their enjoyment; from a weekend away from
    Christian activities with their brothers or with the brothers in
    theocratic activities? Sometimes their parties and weddings become
    Baal-like. They slow down in service and meetings to get more material
    prosperity. They say pioneering is not for everyone, but a university
    education is very important. They will offer up their children on the
    altar of education. The Canaanites were destroyed, we don't want to be.
    Powerful stuff! "

    See there, its all our fault! We just don't apreciate having that heavy yoke on our necks! Instead of heading off camping, we should spend the weekend in "thocratic activities"!

    Doesn't that just make you yearn to go to the next meeting, knowing the "slave" thinks so highly of you?

    More highlights from Gilead to come as posting limits allow....

  • RunningMan

    "They will offer up their children on the altar of education." - which is not at all like the alter of blood transfusions. I certainly hope that I am found worthy of the same fate as Adam - sentenced to immediate death, 950 years later of natural causes.

  • PaulJ

    Not said it before- welcome to the site sir82

    They will follow JW's with electric cattle prods next.....

  • damselfly

    They say pioneering is not for everyone, but a university education is very important. They will offer up their children on the altar of education.

    WTF! How are these pioneers going to be supported? By the more educated ones in the congregation who actually have jobs and are willing to enable the pioneers.

    I thank the universe everyday that I got myself an education.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    They dont want the deep things of The Truth because once you get them down they change them on you! Better to go camping and roast marshmallows with the fam.


  • katiekitten

    Welcome Sir82

    They reserve many weekends for leisure

    Well thats just SHOCKING! I didnt realise dubs were so utterly selfish. Its really not a good idea to be spending any social time at all with your family, cos you might realise you actually cant stand each others guts. This would lead to divorce, broken homes, immoral behaviour, sexually transmitted diseases, risk of unwanted pregnancy, fallen arches, flat feet, tennis elbow, piles, ...

  • littlerockguy

    Is this an actual quote from a speaker to the Gilead students? If I heard this at a meeting now after being away as long as I have I would have to leave before I turn green and start having dry heaves.

  • candidlynuts

    glad to know my 35+ yrs as an active jw was appreciated.

    dunno who they are talking about up there but we were too busy to do ANYTHING other than theocratic things. plus.. not having an education we were too dang poor to do anything if we wanted to.the stupid conventions were our vacations..geeze

  • Momofmany
    They say pioneering is not for everyone, but a university education is very important. They will offer up their children on the altar of education.

    WTF! How are these pioneers going to be supported? By the more educated ones in the congregation who actually have jobs and are willing to enable the pioneers.

    I thank the universe everyday that I got myself an education.

    Now you know, education will do nothing for you, but give you independant thinking. We can't have that now can we.

  • JAVA
    They don't want the deeper things of the truth but always say to keep it simple.

    Sir82 -- thanks for the inspiring notes from Gilead. It makes me want to pioneer again. :) As a JW, I used to wonder about the "deeper things of the truth" the Tower wrote about and discussed during assemblies. I could never put my finger on what the so-called deeper things were because nothing seemed very deep.

    Maybe the "deeper things" refers to why anyone believes the Tower has deep and pure thoughts.

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