Right On.
religion today
monterey county herald, ca - 2 minutes ago .
new york - jehovah's witnesses are renowned for teaching that jesus is not god and that the world as we know it will soon end.
Right On.
i'll start off with... .
when you go to a jw convention and then go to a casino the same night.
You say words like Jehhooober, and Botchtower and Asleep, and Mag Rags
The word “appropriate” makes you shudder.
You realize that being “wordly” is actually a desirable and good thing.
Your netflix queue contains movies everyone your age already saw fifteen years ago.
You madly go through your closet to make sure you don’t have any more of those gawd awful ankle length flower print skirts.
When you see old mags someone left at the clinic or laundry mat you pick them up and toss them in the garbage.
You giggle after saying the word demonic.
You celebrate the holidays with people other than your parents, grandparents, cousins, etc.
You have boxes of old literature in your garage and only take them out, and dust them off when you need to scan pictures to post on a xjw discussion board.
Tired of it logging me off in the middle of me surfing on the Internet...
Well, at least it's polite enough to say "goodbye". And with such a sexy voice too...
jehovah's loses comp case
church may be forced to pay millions
by jess wisloski.
i know i'm just dreaming, but wouldnt it be funny if someone printed up the workers comp information with the watchtower letterhead, making it look like a letter from the society, and had
someone who still attends the meetings post it on the kindom hall bulletin board? hehe
jehovah's loses comp case
church may be forced to pay millions
by jess wisloski.
Thanks Danny! This is great news!
my husband of almost 20 years, says you have to eat black-eyed peas on new years day.
it is for good luck for the rest of the year.
and sure enough, the stores always have massive displays of canned black-eyed peas.
Ack!! reminds me of my childhood, my parents would make black eyed peas at least once a week. All them peas in a big ol' bowl....just staring at me.... *shudder*
I do like collard greens though!... yummy.
roast is baking, the house smells great.
we have our little tree and a fire in the fireplace.
the dog is wearing sleighbells, and there's a wreath on the door.
I don't know if I know Savage yet...but tell Savage hi too.
Savage_Buda is my husband, I think he's posted maybe twice in three years, lol..
Having a terrific time here in Oregon!, Merry Christmas all!
Christmas dinner was terrific!
-Doodle-V and Family
attention apostates!
i'm sick, and i'm bored!!!
that means fun for all of us!.
These are great!!
I love caption threads!
does anyone remember when the picture of the married couple was changed in the live forever book?.
it was the chapter on marriage, and there was this one picture of a hottie basically posing in a provocative picture on the bed, hair askew, beckoning her husband to join her.
she was going to render her due.
The time was right. Dr. Cliff was out of town and Claire Huxtable knew it was the right time to make her move on the mysterious man with no knees.
please send letters to stephen bates requesting an article on this issue.
many of you may not see immediately how important this matter is.
beyond the other legal ramifications, i.e, the wts lying about secular info., intentional deception, etc., the blood issue is a huge one.
My brother suffocated to death (lack of oxygen in the blood) from acute myloid leukima. He was 21 years old. December 5, 2003
He refused both a blood transfusion and a bone marrow transplant. He believed whole heartedly that he would be resurrected.
I wrote about it here:
And Here:
Avi, thanks for starting this thread.